Broken Beginnings

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Someone dies in the flashback. It's not violent or anything, but I figured I would warn you.

~~Niall's POV~~

I made it through Science. Through Study Hall. Then through Band. (I'm in strings, I can play guitar.) Then we got on the bus to go home. I got on the bus as quickly as possible, then looked out the window onto the bus ramp.

I shouldn't have done that.

Emma and Alex were in the middle of the mass of people coming out of the school. They were talking. I didn't know what they were saying, but Emma had a spark in her eye that wasn't there before. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't.

Then, there, right in front of me, Emma hugged Alex. A quick, friendly hug, but a hug.

A moment later, Emma got on the bus. She seemed so happy, radient. I just sat in our seat from that morning. She started to get in, but then she looked at me. "Hey, Niall. Do you mind if I have the window seat? You get off first, it'll just be easier." I gave a small smile, then nodded. We switched spaces. We sat in silence for a minute, but then Emma said,

"Niall, you okay?"

I wanted to cry out, No i'm not okay! I liked you, I really did, but then that same day, your stupid crush asked you out!

But I didn't.

"Why?" I said instead.

"Well," She started, "I thought your personality was all perky and happy all the time. I... I liked that Niall." She looked up shyly.


Calm down Niall. At least she didn't completely blow you off. She's still your friend.

My confidence returned. I smiled widely at her. She laughed. "Niall! I knew you were in there somewhere! You had a long first day?" I smiled. "Yeah. You could say that."

**Quinn's POV**

I ran through the halls after Study Hall. The stupid bell had rang before I had the chance to pack up, and my next class was on the other side of the school. "Walk!" A teacher yelled at me. I didn't listen. I had to get to Journalism on time. Mr. Tannerson was extremly strict. As soon as the bell rang, he locked the door and didn't let anyone in. You had to spend the rest of the block in the halls, avoiding teachers.

I skidded into the classroom the same second the bell rang. "I'M HERE!" I yelled. Mr. Tannerson looked up, his glasses perched on his nose. "Quinn, please quite down. The other students are already working on their pieces. Oh, and would you please close the door." I did. "Thank you. Would you please sit down. You know what to do." I sat down in my seat. The seat next to me used to be empty, but one of those new british boys was sitting there now. It wasn't Harry, Keegan talked to him ALL chorus. Not Louis or Niall either. So I didn't know who it was.

The boy got up and spoke in hushed tones to Mr. Tannerson. Mr. Tannerson nodded at whatever the boy had said, then pointed to me. I turned quickly. My bob of blonde hair swished. The boy sat back down, then turned to me.

"Mr. Tannerson told me to ask you what to do."

I looked at Mr. Tannerson in surprise. He NEVER trusted students to explain stuff. He gave a half smile and nodded. I blinked and turned back to the boy. "Okay, but first tell me your name."

He smiled. "Liam." "Quinn." I said back. I started to explain what to do.

"Okay, so here's what you gotta do. Just chose something you hate in the world, and write an article about it. It's our 'Pretest" Liam nodded. "I know what I'm gonna do." "Already?" I said in surprise. "It took me two class periods!" "Yup." Liam confirmed. "Spoons." I nearly burst into laughter. "Spoons?" I whispered. "Yeah." He said and started writing.

Whelp, there goes his pretest score.

^^Keegan's POV^^

Harry's hot. That's all I wanted to instert here. You may go back to where you were.


I was lying with my head resting on his chest. He was running his hands through my hair. It was paradise. We were watching The Breakfeast Club. That was our movie. We were so in love. I thought he was the one. He would have been.

But fate said he wasn't.

It started with a rumble under our feet. I remember him freaking out.


It was a bad one, too. Everything was falling. Even me. My parents weren't home, but they trusted Luke and I. I bet they didn't expect THIS to happen.

I was on the floor, unable to keep my balance enough to get up.


I looked up, and my mom's marble bust of some guy was tilting. Leaning. Towrds me. I tried to move, but the earth was shaking to much, and I fell back down. I gave up.

But Luke didn't.

As the bust fell, he threw himself off the shaking couch onto me. The bust landed on his head with a sickening "crack".


I remember crying.

Rolling him off me. Checking his pulse. Nothing. CPR. I was broken. Broken.

I kissed him, willing him to open up his sea green eyes and laugh.

He never opened his eyes again.

This all happened within 16.7 seconds.

My parents ran in about ten minutes later, finding me on the floor with Luke in my arms, blood pouring out of his head.


I went to his funeral. I almost didn't make it through five minutes.

I don't think anyone really forgets their first love.

Me more than anyone.


That was sad. I just wanted to say Little Things came on while I was writing that. I know it doesn't fit perfectly, but Luke sacrificed himself for Quinn, and so Niall's part really fits.

I added a cast list. Don't bother looking up Keegan Lull, she's not a celeb but rather my best friend. I tried looking for someone to play her but she just fit so well I couldn't.

Comment questions. If I wasn't clear enough about something, I'll be happy to explain it.

I love you all!!!!!!!!

Eat Starfruit!



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