Chapter 2: Reunion of Old Friends.

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Narrator's pov.

On the roof of the dormitory sat Rika, alone and just enjoying the view of Beacon with a sad smile on her face. Her hair shifts in the wind as she stares intently at the sun, casting it's light back on her. She let out a sigh of satisfaction as the heat washed over her. Krystal came through the door with a worried look. Once she saw Rika she sighed a breathe of relief.

Krystal: Rika? What are you doing up here alone? "She asked, walking up to Rika.

Rika: Just, needed some time to think. "She answered, slightly looking back at Krystal who grew a sad expression.

Krystal: I'm sorry about what happened with your team.... I didn't realize they brought you out here just to replace you with someone else. "Once Krystal said, Rika's body stiffened as her expression changed from upset to somewhat mad.

Rika: I just.... How can they do that!!! I don't get it! "She asked in frustration. Krystal sat next to Rika and held her, trying to calm her down.

Krystal: People do good or bad things that just don't make sense.

Rika: No, it made perfect, fucking sense. "Krystal looks at Rika. "They didn't want me! They thought I was holding them down! It's officially said! I'm useless.... "At this point tears formed in her eyes. Krystal made Rika look at her.

Krystal: No you not. You never were. They just can't see. Your power. You skills and you battle tactics. They may not see, but we can! Me, Akira, and Rain, can see your skills. "Krystal reassured. Rika had a surprised look before she started tearing up again.

Rika: Thank you, thank you, thank you, Krystal! "She pulls Krystal into an embrace as she sobs lightly in her chest. Krystal stroked Rika's hair and held her close. They stayed in a tight embrace for a few minutes before Rika broke the hug and wiped her tears, sniffling in the process.

Krystal: All bettter?

Rika: Yes, thanks.

Krystal: Good, me and the team are gonna get something to eat before Sun and his team's match. "Krystal stood up. You coming? "Krystal said, walking to the door.

Rika: Yeah, I'll be there! "She waves to Krystal. Once she left, Rika looks to the bright orange sky as the sun rised. "Please, Shade.... don't show your face here. I hope you don't.... I don't want to lose them too. "She thought aloud before leaving the roof.


Krystal jumped back and shot a few rounds from her pistol before jumping away again. Rika gave chase as her sword shifted into a revolver as she fan hammers. Krystal moves away just barely a bullet hit her, but her aura counters it. She fires back, but Rika moved in a zigzag motion as she was teleporting twice with the second jump she was behind Krystal and kicks her, pushing her back. Krystal charges as Rika did the same and they locked blades.

Rika: N-not bad!

Krystal: Y-you too. "Krystal quickly pulled her sword up making Rika's arm go up. Krystal, took this chance too kick Rika across the stomach and make her slide before she slashed her twice. Rika jumps back and they stopped and stared. Rika's head started to pound painfully, but she ignores it. "I can tell it's starting to hurt. Do you wanna stop? "Rika shook her head no.

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