Chapter 9: Am I a Monster?

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Narrator's pov.

Levi: Hehehe. "He chuckles as he held his sword into the air. "Thank you.


At high speeds Levi and up into the fairgrounds, killing every Grimm. Jumping from creature too creature before he slices a Ursa in half. He look at Beacon. Suddenly, a loud thud nearly took Levi off his feet.

The hell?

Another loud thud was heard as Levi fell.

Levi: That doesn't sound good.

Yeah, come on. Let's get to the school.

Levi: Alright, lend me your power.

Levi produces black smoke as he covers his face with his hand.


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Akira's pov.

Krystal: Did you hear that?

Rain: Levi.

Shade: KILLL!!!!


Our attention turned to The library. Shade and some other person wearing black and Blake was there.

Akira: Blake's in trouble. Come on!

Before Blake could get attacked I jumped in and blocked Shade's attack. I locked blades with him.

Akira: S-Shade, what's gotten into you?

Shade: Kill! "I felt his hand wrap around me head as he squeezed the life out of me before he slammed me into the table. I watched as he held his sword up and was about to bring it down when Rain punched him.

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