Chapter 5: PWWR vs GHST

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Narrator's pov.
Two minutes into the battle.

Akira: Damnit!

He blocks an attack from Shade and tried striking back, but Shade kicks him across the face and slashed him away. Akira skidded a few feet and stops. He grits his teeth as he shot a bolt of electricity to Shade. He blocks the attack. Shade, pulls the handle of his sword back and then pushs it in. The sword transformed into a gun. Akira eyes widen whilst Shade just scoffed.

Shade: Eat this!

Shade's weapon turned out to be a grenade launcher as shells shot from it, towards Akira. He jumps to the side and started to run to the left. Explosions detonated behind him. Akira threw a fire ball which nearly hit Shade. He was to quick to block it. Rika was thrown next to Akira.

Port intercom: With a devastating attack, Rika, is out!

Akira looked and Tanashi smirked whilst eyeing Akira. She attacked, but Rain got in her way. She used her sword to block the attack as she used her wrist cannon to attack back. She shot Tanashi which launched her back

Akira: Rain?

Rain: I got this!

She shifted her wrist cannon into a shield. Tanashi shot at Rain with her SMGs, but Rain blocked them and charged. Akira, attacked Shade and they locked blades. They stared intently at each other before Shade knees Akira in the chest winding him. Shade grabs Akira by the hair and throws him up. Shade spun his sword before swinging it towards Akira as he came down. Once Akira fell next to Shade he runs and catches Akira in the air with his sword, Shade dragged him letting a war cry as Akira screamed.

Shade: It's OVEEEERRRRRR!!!!


Shade slashed through Akira as his aura depleted immensely. He fell to the ground as Shade looked back at him.

Oobleck: With an amazing attack, Akira Murasami is out!

Krystal: Oh no..

Akira tried to stand, but to no avail and fell back down. Shade looks to Krystal who was staring at Satsuma. Shade rushed next to Satsuma as Krystal's eyes widen. Shade threw his sword over his shoulder. Satsuma attacked, but Shade stayed back. Krystal blocks her attack and knees her in the stomach. Krystal finishes off with a back kick, knocking Satsuma back. She quickly fired arrow, but Krystal blocks them, charging at her.

Krystal: HA!!

Krystal watched as Satsuma just stood there, eyes closed. Suddenly, Satsuma appears behind Krystal. Krystal, came to an abrupt stop. This confused the spectators as Krystal gripped her chest and fell to her knees wincing in pain.

Krystal: The hell?! "She exclaimed turning to look at Satsuma. She turns back and looks at Krystal and said.

Satsuma: I'm showing you mercy... Please, I don't want fight.

Krystal: You got a funny way of showing it! "She quickly got to her feet and ran towards Satsuma. They clashed and a sword fight followed. Both girls blocked each other's attack after attack with a few strikes hitting them. They both jumped back. Satsuma closed her eyes again leaving Krystal confused. Then, suddenly, Krystal was slashed three times as Satsuma's after image disappears. Satsuma appears behind Krystal and she was kicked to the left. Satsuma turns to face her opponent.

Krystal: How are you doing that? "She stands up.

Satsuma: A time jump ability.

Instantly, Satsuma appears in front of Krystal and strikes. Fortunately, Krystal blocked her attack. A gust of wind shot from them. This time Satsuma closed her eyes again. Everything around her came to a stop and so did her opponent. She jumps behind Krystal unleashed a barrage of slashes across her back. Satsuma jumps in front of Krystal and finished her move off with a hard kick to the stomach. Soon the sky and everything cracked before breaking like glass as time flowed normally and Krystal was slashed across her back and suddenly she was pushed. All this whilst Satsuma watched. Krystal nearly lost her footing. Panting from exhaustion. Satsuma's expression was a look of seriousness, but a drop of sweat dripped down Satsuma's forehead as Krystal gave her a darkened look. Krystal, quickly charged at Satsuma whilst she pulls her sword back and held her arm up and aimed at Krystal. Her aim was in the middle of Krystal's chest.

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