Chapter 4 Regretful Betrayal

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Narrator's pov.

Levi: I didn't expect to see all of you.

Almost immediately, Krystal and Rain. ran to Levi and tackles him in a hug, never wanting to let go. Akira and Shadow walks up to Levi with a smile.

Levi: Hehe, come on girls. "He spoke as both Krystal and Rain seemed to be crying.

Akira: It's... good to see you again. "He says as Levi gave a smile. He looks to Shadow.

Shadow: Hello, son.

Levi: Hello, father. I see you all changed.

Rain: Yeah... I got tired of that old outfit.

Shadow: Where have you been?

Levi: Around the city, I never left Vale.

Akira: So, are you, Rogue? "He asked and Levi looked to him with a smile.

Levi: Yes.

Krystal: At least, you didn't go bad. "She asked as both Krystal and Rain broke the hug.

Rain: Why the mask? "She asked, whilst pointing to the face mask in Levi's hand. Levi looks at it then back to his friends and family.

Levi: It's uhh, kind of selfish.

Shadow: In what way?

Levi: Well, I have it because.... *sighs* I have cause if you were to come to Vale and look for me, I'd have it so you couldn't tell, but one of you did.

Krystal: You really think a face mask and changed hair will fool me.

Levi: Heh, I could say the same about your look. What happened to the scarf I gave you? "He asked whilst putting his hands in his pocket.

Krystal: I still have it, but my original outfit is being fixed, lack for a better word.

Levi: I see. "He turns to face Akira. " Akira, you look good in a coat.

Akira: Same for you. "He replied. Levi looks to Rain.

Levi: And you don't look to bad in white. As always.

Rain blushed as she averted her gaze. Levi smiles and looks to father.

Levi: You look the same always, old man.

Shadow: Not funny. "He said with annoyance.

Levi: Aww, nostalgia.

Akira's pov
---Small TimeSkip---

As I was on the roof of the dormitory just training, I heard the door open which made me look and it was Levi, hands in his pocket with a somewhat of bored look.

Levi: Yo. "Was all he said whilst I lowered my weapon and waved back.

Akira: Sup?

Levi: The sky. How's you're training with your sword doing?

Akira: It's doing well, I guess. I mean I did lose my Staff... Sadly.

Levi: What happened?

Akira: It was broken in half during the Breach.

Levi: Oh. "That's all he said and I could tell by his facial expression that I made it a bit awkward when mentioned the breach of Vale. "Have you came up with an attack?

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