Chapter 7: Two rival's, One Victor

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Levi's pov.

Few days later.

As the time neard for me and Shade's fight I tried my best to get ready. Well, half my time was spent with Rain. It happened fast with her too, but I guess it's because... never mind. At this point pretty much everybody knew we were together although some were I'd say jealous, but hey, that's love. As I left the room and made my way to the arena. Being called to step on stage, I was ready. At least, I hope so. You never really know what will happen.

Narrator's pov.

Shadow: I'm just gonna get to the point. We need information about what the enemy is up too.

Levi: You think I know?

Shadow: I wasn't talking about you. Your friend. Ozpin thinks he knows.


Levi winced and grabbed his forehead.

Calm down, Mani.

He called me a man!!!

I'm aware.

Levi sighs and let's go of his head.

Shadow: You alright?

Levi: Yeah, it's just uhhh.... Father?

Shadow: Yeah?

Levi: You see.... The thing is..... My friend is uhhhh. A girl.

Shadow: W-what? "He responded with a confused expression. Levi nodded in response. "I uhh. Whoa..... That's--

Levi: Yeah, I know it's weird, but it's true. She's female. "Shadow looked at the sky. Genuinely confused.

Shadow: I guess that explains t-things.

You think?!

Mani, just give him what he wants.

Hmnph, fine. I don't know much, but I do know is that Salem as eyes on Beacon and is planning something.

Levi: She said that she doesn't know much, but that this person "Salem" Has eyes on Beacon and is planning something.

Shadow put his hand on his chin and looked away. His expression was focused.

Shadow: I see..... Well, thanks for that son and uh....

Levi: Maniakku.

Shadow: Yes him.


Levi: Her!

Shadow: Yeah her.

As Shadow began leaving, Levi stood there. His mind was clouded with thoughts that he wanted to say, but didn't know how.

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