Final Chapter 10: Clash of Gods

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Narrator's pov.


Maniakku came crashing in front of Pyrrha. Levi's body had his entire arms black with smoke admitting from it. His hands were claws as his nails were razer sharp. Cinder smiles at the sight.

Cinder: Maniakku, it's nice to see you again...... Salem calls for you.

Maniakku: I've changed my mind. I ain't going back. "She replies as she grabs Pyrrha and sets her down behind herself. Pyrrha was confused at why a Grimm would do that. Soon the smoke from Levi's arms disappears and so does his mask.

Pyrrha: L-Levi?

Levi: Hey, Pyrrha. Where's Jaune?

Pyrrha: He's..... in Vale.

Confused by how he got there Levi just nods before turning to Cinder.

Levi: You gonna pay for what you've done to my home.

Smoke admitted as red aura shot out of Levi.

Cinder: It's a shame.... Such power.... wasted on a good looking boy like you.

Levi: Sorry, but I'm taken.

Levi took a fighting stance.

Levi: Let's get this over with.

Akira's pov.

Sun: Come on. Let's go.

Sun helped Yang onto the ship and I helped Krystal. As I sat her down, I looked and saw Weiss and Ruby outside the ship. Weiss seemed to be on her scroll as I swiped light shining on her face. I was worried and not just for her, but Levi and Jaune. I slowly got up only to be grabbed. I turned and Krystal looked at me with fear and tears in her eyes.

Krystal: Akira.... Please, bring Levi back. Please. "Her words, that hit me like I truck as I stared out at Beacon. I had to do something for Krystal and Rain's sake. And mine.

Akira: I will. I promise. "I turned to Krystal. She smiles as she let's go of me. I stood up and walked out when Shadow got in my way.

Shadow: I ain't letting you go. Not without help. "I stared at him shocked. "If it comes down to it. Me and you will bring him back.

Akira: Okay. "I smiled before we both jumped off.


We looked as an explosion as visible from Beacon tower. Flashes of light were also seen. I couldn't help, but think that was Levi and someone fighting him.

Ruby: What are you doing here?!

I turned my attention to Ruby who was storming my way. I saw Shadow slowly walked away. Really?! Was all I could think as he just stepped out.

Ruby: I thought you were supposed to go Vale.

Akira: I came to wait with you guys.

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