Chapter 3: Brief Return

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Narrator's pov.

Hey, Violet. I brought some-
What's going on?
Dude, seriously? Fuck off! We're having fun.
With my girlfriend?!
What, you think she likes you?
Levi, I-I didn't mean too!


Krystal, walked into a room as Levi sat on his bed, looking to the ground, hair covering his eyes. Krystal, makes her way and sits next to him, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Krystal: Are, you okay?

Levi: No, sis. I am not okay! "He responds angrily. "I was cheated on, can't you see that!

This caught Krystal by surprise as she dawned a shocked expression. It slowly turned to anger.

Krystal: Violet, cheated on you! "She exclaimed, angrily. Levi doesn't respond.

Levi: It's not your concern.

Krystal: Not my concern?! What are you talking about?!

Levi: I'm saying, don't worry!! Do you understand? "He sits up and walks to the window as he tensed up. "Don't worry about it. I'm going for a walk.


It wasn't long as Krystal heard howls from her room and immediately she began to worry. Levi!!! She thought before grabbing her weapon and gun before running outside. She heard the howls come from the forest to her right and she ran towards them.

Levi: Come on!!! "Krystal heard which made her more worried.

Krystal: Please, Levi. Don't be hur-

She was interrupted by tripping on a log which made her fall to the ground and let out a slight yelp of pain. She groans in pain before slowly getting up and started lightly limping towards Levi. He saw him jumping and swinging his sword. Then, a Beowolf struck Levi, but his suddenly vanished before the Beowolf could hit me. Next unexpectedly, Levi fell into the Beowolf as he stabbed it's head, his semblance glowing bright amber. Once she got to Levi, he was breathing heavily. He slowly stands up as the Grimm vanished.

Krystal: Levi, are you okay?! "She asked with genuine concern in her voice. Her brother slowly turns around and looks at his hand. "How did, you disappear like that?

Levi: Don't know, but I think it's tied to my semblance. "He sheathed his sword and walks up to Krystal. "I'm fine, don't worry. "He had a light smile. It calmed Krystal down a bit. She winced in pain as she grips her leg. "But you, sis ain't.

Krystal: I'm fine, it's just a scratch. "She loses her footing and nearly fell, but Levi caught her.

Levi: Come on, sis. "He turns around and crouched down. "Let me help you. "Krystal was a little surprised.

Krystal: Y-you haven't gave me a piggyback ride since we were kids.

Levi: Yeah, well this is a one time thing so enjoy it. "He jokes as Krystal smiled in response before wrapping her arms around his neck. Levi stood up and wraps Krystal's legs around his waist before walking towards their house. Krystal smiles as Levi smiles back at her.

Krystal: This really takes me back. "She said, hugging Levi.

Levi: Hmnph. It does.

Krystal: Now go faster!

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