Chapter 6: Familiar Faces.

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I'm sorry for not posting in a while! My tablet broke earlier this month and I tried my best to do what I could to continue, but it was difficult. So, my brother got me to go with him Christmas shopping and I managed to get a new one. Same exact tablet too. However, both my mom and brother told me not to open it till Christmas day and so I waited. After that, I tried writing again, but I lost my save so I started from scratch. Now, everything is back in order besides my upload schedule, I am still working on that. Anyways, enjoy and thanks for the support on my previous two stories!👍


Narrator's pov.
A few days after PWWRS and GHSTS match.

Or what, father? You gonna shoot me? I struck a nerve, didn't I?
I can see it in your eyes.

Shadow stood on a roof, looking out to Vale. He sighs.

Shadow: You took it a bit to far, Levi. You're letting that thing lead you down the wrong path. But maybe he's right. It sorta it explains why I saw Riku in my hallucination.

It wasn't my father's fault! He was being controlled by this evil you guys call Salem.

Shadow: At least you're not being driven to the darkness. "He smiles before walking away from the ledge.


As the sun grew higher into the sky. A group of teenagers sat in a cafe. This group was Akira's team and half of Ruby's team. The only thing is that Rika was not present, but Levi in her place. They shared stories and laughed at jokes that were shared. Smiles all around as this moment was special to every one of them.

Akira: Weiss, your were right about coming here.

Weiss: It's my pleasure. A fine way to celebrate your victory.

Krystal: It was a tough battle.

Ruby: You got that right. You guys need a break! "She smiles and turns to Rain. "Especially you, Rain. You pushed yourself a bit to far.

Rain: Yeah.... Still we won.

Akira: Damn right! "Akira chimed in happily.

From the distance stood Levi as he ordered his drink. He looks back to see everyone smiling and laughing.

That's a very rare sight between you guys.

Levi: Yeah, I hope it lasts a little longer.

He turns back to grab his drink and was about to pay when.

???: Oh no, it's okay. You don't have too. It's on the house. "Levi was left confused.

Levi: But why?

???: You're Rogue! You saved my dad's store from being robbed remember? "She states. Levi put some thought into it.


Three months after Levi's departure.

There stood a figure as rain pours on him. His jacket and hair both moving with the wind. He stares out at Beacon.

It's actually not bad being a good guy.

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