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A/N Hey Guys! This chapter is dedicated to Sincerely_Rays for voting for every chapter in this book! Thank you! OH AND PLEASE READ MY NEW STORY "TRUE STORY"





It's sad to know that you missed your kids' lives. It's worst to realize that their state of mind is where they are now, because their father wasn't there for them.

I don't care that I'm not Eli's real father. He's been treating like I am.

Andrew's death hasn't been connected to any of us. It hasn't even been on the news or in the morning paper, nothing. It's pretty scary, since this might even mean he might have a chance of still being alive.

"Daddy! Mama said she wants all ready by 3." Amber said.

"Why so early? Dinner reservations are at 7." I told her.

She sighed. "She wants 'family time' so everybody is coming  over here at 6:00."

"Alright, I'll be downstairs in a minute." I said.

I heard Elijah yelling. "Don't nobody got time for that!" Amber yelled back at him, leaving my room.

I looked over at the clock. It was 5:45. Guess I'd better start getting ready.

"They're here Trey!" Fiona yelled from downstairs.

I put on a white t-shirt and black dress pants, and walked down the stairs. "What's up brah?" I asked, giving Jacob dap.

"Nothing. Just chillin'." he replied back,

I hugged the twins and Sammie, and then went to Jordan."How are you holding up?" I asked.

"Horrible. I keep thinking that he might be alive, or somebody knows I did it. It just bothers me." he responded. He looked a mess too.

"Don't worry. Everything's gonna be alright." I told him.

"Yeah right." he said back, grabbing his girlfriend's Liyah's hand, and falling down on the couch dramatically. Liyah put her head on his chest, playing with Jordan's shirt, and Jordan was playing with Liyah's hair. They are a pretty cute couple if you ask me.

I sighed. "What's up Kaylaa?" I asked, hugging my sister.

"Everything hurts. This baby is killing me." she complained.

"Did this happen with Jordan?" I asked.

She looked at me like I was crazy. "How the fuck am I supposed to know? I was in that animus when I had him."

I helped her wobble to the  couch. She looked like she was about to burst. She hid her pregnancy well. "Oh yeah, I forgot about the incident."

Kaylaa plopped down on the couch, and I sat down next to her.

"Where's Olivia and Day Day?" I asked.

"They're fighting... again." Sammie answered.

"Okay so where are they?" I asked again.

There was yelling at the door, and in came Olivia and Day Day.

"Yo! What's with all the yelling?" I asked.

Olivia looked at me. "My father thinks I'm pregnant by James. Which I'm not.

"Then how come you're so moody and fat?" Day Day asked bluntly.

"I am not fat! You know I'm anorexic, I need to eat!"

"Livi, calm down. Day, you need to apoligize to your daughter." Kaylaa said.

There was an awkward silence for a while. "Alright fine. I'm sorry Livi."

"So the resturant is kind of far, so how about we all leave now?"I suggested.

"Okay." Everyone agreed.

We all went into the cars and headed off to Red Lobster.

We arrived there at 6:57, just in time for our reservations.

They sitted us right away, and we just started talking. "Dad, can I have a biscuit?" Elijah asked me.

"Here." I passed him the basket.

"Did you know that Nicki Minaj worked at a Red Lobster, and the worst part was having to keep giving people biscuits?" Amber told us.

Ne'vaeh looked up at her. "You sound like the twin from The Suite Life of Zack & Cody."

"Who? Cody?" Fiona asked.

"No. On the Twin Conviention episode, when Maddy went on a double date with London, and Maddy's date kept saying 'Did you know' statements." Heaven answered for her twin.

"Ahhh. I see." Jacob said.

The waitor came over to our tables. "Hello, I'm Anthony, and I'm your waitor for today."

"Oh great! For starters, we would like more bread. And also can we have mozerella sticks, and crab cakes, enough for all of us." I said.

Anthony just kept looking at Jordan, and you can tell that Jordan was becoming uncomfortable. "Alright. I'll be back soon." Anthony said after a long, awkward pause.

"What was up with that Chipmunk?" Liyah asked what we all were thinking.

Jordan looked past our table. "I think I've seen him before, I'm not sure where though. He gave me the creeps."

"He gave us all the creeps." Fiona agreed.

We started talking about nonsense again, and then a young lady walked over to our table.

"Hello. I am Kiloni, and I shall be your server for the evening. Sorry for the long wait, we're quite packed." she said.

"Um, there must be some confusion. We already ordered." I said.

"I never came to this table." Kiloni said.

We were all confused now. "There was a ghetto server that came to our table." Sammie said, trying to help her figure out who took our orders.

Kiloni responded, "I'm not that ghetto. The only thing I really say is if somebody comes here, and they mention Atlanta, I say 'ATL SHAWDAYYY!'" 

"No, it was a ghetto man, by the name of Anthony that came to us. He looked about 16." Sammie said.

"I have no idea who you're talking about. I'm the youngest server here. Everybody else is 21 and older." she said.

"Just let it go, and reorder." Jordan said, his teeth grinding together.

I sighed. "Okay. Can we have more biscuits, mozerella sticks, and crab cakes?"

"Coming right up. Any drinks?"

"No. We're all fine with water." I answered before anybody could say anything.

Kiloni left us alone.

"What was that all about Jordan?" I asked.

"I know where Anthony's from." he responded.

Jordan's voice lowered. "He was at the traphouse when I killed Andrew."


A/N Yes.





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