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  • Dedicated to ALL MY BEAUTIFUL FANS

A/N So I'm gonna start fresh with an extra long chapter.

Thanks for the ideas everyone!




I bursted out laughing.

"What's so funny bitch?" she shrieked in her little annoying voice.

"What's so funny?" I mimicked her voice.

Trey flushed with guilt when he saw Jamie.

I pointed to him. "What's so funny is that you've been fucking my husband!" I exclaimed.

Though, I instantly regretted saying that. I let the worst get ahead of me and set a bad example for both my son and my best friend's son.

"Eli, Jordan, how about you both go to the office and play." I suggested.

Jordan Kanye-Shrugged and left to the office with Elijah.

Jamie held a confused look on her face. "How is funny that you're husband cheated on you, with me?"

I let out a short laugh. "Because," I looked her up and down, "bitch do you see yourself in a mirror? You look like the black Freddy Krueger!" I exclaimed.

Trey stepped in. "Don't you think that was a little too harsh?" he asked.

"Nigga, do you really think you should be talking?" I retaliated.

"Yeah, kind of." he said back.

"So, like now you wanna be divorced I see?" I replied, turning around.

Trey went to me and put his arms around my waist. "Why do I have to be divorced?" he whispered in my ear.

"Okay! Enough with the lovey-dovey mess!" Jamie yelled.

"You mad?" I said, looking at her once again.

I stepped closer to her, leaving Trey's arms.

We were inches apart when I said, "Are you mad that I have the perfect husband? Are you mad that I have the most amazing house ever? Or are you just mad because you can never, ever be me?"

"You think I want to be you?" Jamie snorted.

I held a sorrowful expression. "Well, kinda baby girl. I mean, while you rolling up, I'm at church praying for you."

Her eyes lit up. "Really?!? Thank you for your prayers bitch!"

"Thanks for the compliment!" I remarked.

Her eyes now lit up with confusion.

"Well let me explain," I began. You see, bitches are dogs, dogs bark, bark is on trees, and trees are in nature, and nature is, well, beautiful. So thank you!"

"Bitch!" she screeched.

"So many compliments!" I exclaimed.

"ARGGHHHH!" Jamie yelled into Trey's chest, leaving Andrew just standing there looking stupid.

"Now we're playing pirates?" I asked, amused.

"M-M-Make her stop Trey. Please," she stuttered.

"Oh so now a hoe knows how to say please? Yeah, make her stop Trey." I remarked.

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