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When Shiro backed Lance against the corridor wall, Lance let him, felt his shoulders hit the cool white bulkhead, felt Shiro's hand on his face, tilting his head to just the right angle. Shiro wasn't that much taller than him, but this action didn't incite the fight or flight reaction, just Lance's body rising away from the wall, one arm thrown over Shiro's shoulder as he gasped against his mouth.

He didn't want this to end, didn't want to think about it deeply, just wanted to keep devouring Shiro's mouth. His body trembled as Shiro's hand traced down his side, to the waist of his jeans, fingers working into the catch and opening the front, leaving his pants to hang loose on his hips. Lance didn't care, couldn't, his mind was filled hazy and full with thoughts of Shiro, Shiro-

Lance wanted to say, don't stop, don't, as Shiro's fingers pressed against the bulge in his underwear, circled it, drew it out – some part of his mind was reminding him they were in the corridor, in the open, and how embarrassing would it be for someone to walk by right now, but Lance was if anything an expert at ignoring that part of his brain.

Keith's hand pressed his shoulder back into the wall, softer than it felt like a wall should be but Lance was too far gone to really care about that, until Keith's face got close, eyes narrowed and he hissed, "would you stop that?"

Lance blinked his eyes open and stared at Keith, his hair sleep-tousled and expression definitely not pleased. The threads of his dream were already slipping away, and Lance dug the palm of his hand into his eye and said, "th' fuck did you wake me for, I was having a good dream-"

"Yeah, I know," Keith said, rolled up on his side beside Lance. "You were moaning real good an' loud, and I couldn't even sleep through it this time." He shoved Lance in the shoulder, far too close in the dim light of the dark and Lance licked his lips, thought of the hot hand on his cock and shifted uncomfortably.

"Sorry my dreams were just too good to keep quiet on," Lance said sarcastically. "At least I didn't sleep-hump you."

"That happened once," Keith said, leaned in close, and Lance couldn't help himself, reaching out to touch Keith's face, settling his palm on Keith's jaw, thumb on the rise of his cheek. Keith froze in place, then narrowed his eyes. "What are you doing?"

"You're really..." Lance closed his eyes, more drowsy than not. "Pretty."

Keith went really, absolutely, still. He covered Lance's hand on his face and pulled it off slowly, which caused Lance to crack his eyes open again, especially when Keith very tentatively kissed the palm of Lance's held hand. It was hard to tell in the dim light, but Lance could guess he was probably pink.

"Idiot," Keith muttered. "I don't want to hear that from a guy."

"Not even from your boyfriend?" Lance murmured.

Keith hesitated and drew back a little. Lance rubbed his eyes and yawned and squinted at Keith, who was staring at him oddly. "Are you my..." Keith didn't seem to be able to get the word out, on the first try. "Boyfriend?"

"Well, yeah," Lance was very matter of fact about it. "You're sleeping in my bed right now, aren't you?"

"Boyfriend," Keith repeated again, turning the word over in his mouth. Then he leaned in close to Lance, so close that their noses brushed, and said softly, "I guess it's all right if you're my boyfriend, then."

"Mm, good," Lance said, and patted Keith's cheek. "We'll celebrate with a blow job or something in the morning."

Keith actually laughed, a soft laugh that made Lance smile, and then he tucked his head against Lance's mostly on his shoulder. He was still smiling when Lance drifted off again, arm thrown over Lance's chest and their heads tilted together.


Lance said, "Keith is my boyfriend," and Pidge said, "no fucking shit, Sherlock," and went back to soldering her robot.

Lance said, "Keith is my boyfriend," and Hunk smacked him on the shoulder and grinned and said, "it's about time."

Lance said, "Keith is my boyfriend," and Allura smiled and said, "that's wonderful, as long as it doesn't interfere with your duties."

Lance said, "Keith is my boyfriend," and Shiro paused just a moment before smiling and said, genuinely, "I'm glad."

Lance said, "Keith is my boyfriend," and Keith said, "if you don't stop saying that I'm going to punch out all your fucking teeth."


Shiro stood in the flight bay for the red lion and watched Keith tinker with the speeder he had found and claimed from the main launch bay. It was made only for atmospheric flight, so Shiro wasn't certain when he would have a chance to deploy it, but taking it apart and putting it back together again was giving a great lesson in Altean tech that they wouldn't get otherwise. "I've never seen Lance so ... bubbly," Shiro said, leaned back against what doubled as a workbench.

"Yeah," Keith grunted. He was sitting on the floor on the other side of the speeder facing Shiro, but he seemed not very interested in looking at Shiro. "It's really fucking annoying."

"He's happy, let him be happy," Shiro said lightly. Keith stuck his hand out and pointed to the workbench.

"Spanner," Keith said, and Shiro looked behind him, found the appropriate tool and handed it over to Keith, who promptly took it and flipped it in his hand once, before slapping it hard against one of the components of the bike. Shiro jumped at the loud crack, but it didn't seem to affect Keith, who frowned, turned the spanner over again and started to tighten something.

"He's off his heat, at least," Shiro said mildly, and rubbed a hand over his nose. "It's nice for things to get a bit back to normal in that regard."

Keith hesitated, and looked up at Shiro finally. "What do you think about all this," he asked, finally, tilting his head. "Me, and Lance?"

"I think you two are good for each other," Shiro said honestly. "You ground Lance, and Lance allows you open up more. It can only benefit the team that you're together." Shiro folded his arms, and the smile only seemed forced if you looked closely.

Keith was looking closely. "What about us?" he said.

Shiro shrugged his shoulders. "I don't want to interfere," he said. "I'm glad you're both happy."

"Even though we're both omegas. Together." Still watching closely, Keith laid the spanner on the ground next to his knee, and wiped his oil-covered hands on a rag. "On earth, it wouldn't be ... ideal."

"We're not on earth," Shiro said, watching Keith just as closely as Keith was watching him.

"Even though I want you too," Keith said finally.

Shiro was silent for a long, long moment. "I don't think that's fair to Lance," he said finally. "Even if he was okay with it, I don't think-"

"Even though," Keith said this one slowly, cutting off Shiro. "Lance wants you to fuck him, too?"

It took a full, long moment for that to process. "What?" Shiro asked, in that high-pitched, squeaky way when someone doesn't really quite understand what they heard.

"He's been having dreams about it," Keith said. He looked away a moment, gathering himself, then back to Shiro on the other side of the half-built speeder bike. "He doesn't know he's been saying your name in his sleep. But I know."

"Lance hates alphas."

"But not you." Keith pushed himself to his knees, in a preparatory step to gaining his feet. "If it was you, I think he'd be fine."

"What is it that you're suggesting, exactly?" Shiro asked, although he already knew, but he couldn't quite believe it, he wanted to hear Keith say it because there was no way this was actually happening.

Keith rubbed the back of his hand over his nose and left a streak of smudged oil. "I can't really suggest anything until we've both talked to Lance," he said finally. "But ... I guess that maybe you could be our boyfriend, too?"

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