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Keith's fingers clawed at the broad expanse of Shiro's back as he squirmed against him; legs locked tight around Shiro's hips. He'd lost track of nearly everything at this point except the rhythm of their bodies moving together, the slide of wet skin on skin and how deliciously stretched and full he felt.

This was, frankly, even better than he'd imagined.

The spot on his shoulder where Shiro bit him stung, it throbbed in time with each thrust. It was a mark, a badge of honor, Shiro's mouth on his skin saying, mine, mine and Keith groaned low, the thought of being owned like that immensely satisfying. Shiro's thrusts stuttered a bit and he squirmed and tossed his head back and felt it brush the futon.

Keith twisted his head as Shiro found his neck again with his mouth, he could see Lance sitting there, legs spread and one hand around his cock as he watched them, eyes wide and mouth slightly open. Keith wet his lips and moaned and tried to form his mouth around Lance's name but didn't quite make it. It was enough, though, as Lance made eye contact with him quickly, and then flushed darker.

"Keith," Shiro said, voice heavy. "I'm-" he didn't quite finish that thought, dropping Keith onto the futon and pushing him almost double, so he could slam himself down into Keith, both his hands gripping the back of Keith's thighs punishingly.

He'd lost track of how many times he'd come, his own cock flopped back against him. It was still hard, ridiculously so, but the fluid that leaked from it had gone clear. Keith didn't even bother to touch it, his hands going to the bunched bedding above his head, scrabbling for something to hold on to as Shiro's thrusts turned uneven. "C'mon," Keith gasped, his eyes on Shiro. "C'mon."

Shiro's face had tightened, eyes closed and jaw tense, and he didn't stop, even as the slick that leaked from him with every thrust went frothy with Shiro's seed. Keith bit his lip and squirmed, wanting Shiro deeper before it happened. His body knew what it wanted and he, for once, listened.

If he thought Shiro was large, his knot took Keith's breath away. He panted through an open mouth and tried not to move, or shift. "Keith," Shiro said in a ragged voice, and Keith turned his head up to look at Shiro above him, and then tilted his head so their mouths could meet.

Shiro was breathing hard and trembling above him. "I've never," he panted into Keith's mouth, his eyes closed and sweat rolling down his face. After a long moment, he opened his eyes and Keith could see the concern there. "Are you ... okay?"

Keith wasn't about to tell him that his knot was so large it was bordering on uncomfortable. After all, he didn't have anything else to compare it with. Keith put both of his hands on Shiro's face and brushed the rise of his cheekbones with his thumbs, each thumb ending on either end of hi scar. "Am I your first?" he asked, in a bit of wonder.

"First I've knotted," Shiro said, his flush deepened. Then he moved back, shifting his weight to one hand and that opened the space between them. Keith stared down their bodies and imagined he could see a bulge that would be Shiro's cock, or his knot, or some evidence from the outside that they were joined together like this – and Shiro took Keith's hand from his face and rested it just above the root of his cock. "Push down," he said, and Keith did and felt his whole body tremble, feeling the hard shaft that rested inside him.

"Holy shit," Keith moaned, and his cock twitched and drooled a little more clear fluid. He rolled his head over to Lance and flopped his hand in that direction, and Lance ... his expression was unreadable. "Feel this," Keith said, giddy with the exhilaration. "You can feel him inside of me."

Lance let Keith guide Lance's hand over him, down to the same spot Shiro had shown Keith. When Lance pushed down and Keith trembled again, Lance swallowed hard, eyes wide. "That's really hot," he almost whispered, his hand tight around his own cock.

He jerked physically when Shiro's hand settled on his shoulder, but then Lance's face softened a bit. "Lance," Shiro said, still breathing hard. "Do you want me to suck you?"


Lance's eyes had gone wide at that, he looked away from Shiro quickly, breathing a little too fast. "Lance," Shiro said again, trying to keep his own breathing under control and mostly failing. He wasn't in heat, he wasn't nearly as overwhelmed by Keith's scent, he mostly had his head about him at the moment and the last thing that Shiro wanted was for him to feel pressured into any of this. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to," he said, as he shifted his hips against Keith.

He was looking down at Keith, legs spread wide around Shiro's hips, one hand now resting on his lower belly with a contented smile, feeling out the shape of Shiro inside him. "Yeah," Lance said, and slowly got to his feet. "Can I..." he swallowed and looked down at Shiro and clearly felt completely vulnerable. Shiro put his hand gently on Lance's hip and drew him close, so he could smell his musk.

"Yeah?" Shiro asked softly as Lance's dick brushed over the bridge of his nose. Lance had gone quiet, eyes wide at the shine of fluid that motion left behind. "What were you going to ask?"

It took another long moment, in which Shiro used to his advantage and swiped his tongue over the head of Lance's cock, tasting him. Lance let out a long, shuddering breath and leaned in, putting his hand on Shiro's head none too gently.

"I wanna fuck your mouth," he said boldly, and Shiro made eye contact with him and Lance blushed hard but didn't look away. Shiro wet his lips and, without another word, opened his mouth and relaxed his jaw. Keith let out a noise underneath him but he didn't twist his head or try to look at Keith, maintaining his eye contact with Lance as Lance pushed his cock into Shiro's mouth.

It was hard to keep his mouth relaxed enough for Lance. Shiro swallowed around him as he buried his nose in the rough curls that framed Lance's cock, then drew off enough to let him thrust again. Lance held his head still with both hands and Shiro went slack and focused on breathing through his nose. "Fuck," Keith said from underneath him, and he tightened around Shiro's cock and it was almost too much sensation to deal with all at once. "That's so fucking hot."

Lance let out a ragged gasp and suddenly Shiro's mouth was overfull, Lance's seed leaking out and spilling down his chin. He couldn't quite swallow right with Lance's cock in his mouth so he let it slip free, and wiped the back of his hand over his mouth, looking back up at Lance, who just looked completely dazed. "Did you like that?" Shiro tried out, his voice even coarser now, and Lance nodded numbly. Shiro put his hand on Lance's hip, then slid it back around to his ass, rubbing him there softly and still making eye contact.

"Nothing you don't want to do, okay?" Shiro said, and Lance nodded again, flushed and dazed.

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