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Lance grew a little pale when he saw the size of Shiro's dick. "That is insane," he said flatly, as Keith knelt between Shiro's legs. "How do you even get that into your pants?"

Shiro shrugged loosely, one hand resting gently on Keith's head, as Keith stroked him. "It doesn't normally go into my pants when hard," he said, matter-of-fact, and Lance went from pale to a bright cherry red, because Shiro was looking at him and talking normally despite the fact that Keith was stroking him slowly and carefully and lapping at the head of Shiro's cock.

Holy shit, that was hot.

Keith had never bothered coming back to their room after the shower, and after lingering for far too long Lance had stomped down the hall to Shiro's room, only to hear the telltale signs of something happening behind the closed door. He had opened the unlocked door with the plans of being all, 'a-ha!', only to witness Keith between Shiro's legs and to have them both glance at the door as if they'd been expecting him.

Which, they obviously had, as it was Keith who asked if Lance would come with him to Shiro's room in the first damn place.

"Are you okay?" Shiro asked, his face flushed red right across the bridge of his nose, under his scar. No, Lance really wasn't okay, because he was watching Keith nose along that behemoth of a cock; and Keith was watching him too with a lewd smirk.

"Fine," he croaked somehow. That wasn't something Shiro should be asking him, he wasn't getting his dick sucked with an audience, after all.

There was no way that Keith would be able to get that whole thing into his mouth, even with swallowing around it, but he was sure making a go of it, lips wrapped around the head and cheeks hollowed out as he went down as far as he could. Lance made a little groaning noise in the back of his throat – Shiro's attention had returned to Keith, the fingers of his left hand tangled in Keith's damp hair. Shiro was groaning too, but there were soft words of encouragement to Keith mixed in there, who was drawing slowly off his slick cock.

Lance had never really seen an alpha's cock erect; it was intimidating. He'd seen a couple in the showers before, but those were flaccid and really he wasn't supposed to be looking then anyway; but here he stared openly, and when Keith looked up at him and caught his eye Lance didn't look away.

"Wanna help?" Keith asked, a thin strand of sticky saliva still connecting his mouth to Shiro's cock. He brushed some of his bangs back behind his ear, where they stayed put for all of three seconds before popping out again.

"Keith," Shiro admonished as Keith continued to stroke him, one hand tight around the root of his cock. He was wearing his gloves, Lance thought dizzily, leaned back into the closed door.

Keith looked up at Shiro and lapped at the broad head again, tongue swirling around and pressing into the slit. "If he wants to he can," he said, and the flush on Shiro's face grew darker. "Right?"

Lance wasn't entirely certain what he wanted. Keith looked over at him again and tilted his head back into Shiro's palm, and as he stroked the shaft of Shiro's cock something jumped in Lance's belly that he wasn't quite certain he understood. It was the same sort of feeling he had when he had Keith's cock in his mouth, when he was lying next to Keith on the bed all tired after a successful, if exhausting workout.

Hesitantly, terrified, Lance stepped forward. Shiro looked over at him and Keith grinned and tilted his head again as Lance stopped just out of reach, but closer now. "Come on," Keith said insistently, and grabbed Lance by the wrist and tugged him forward. Lance came willingly, falling to his knees on the hard tile beside Shiro's right leg.

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