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"Did you take a shower?" Keith said when Lance sat down on the couch in the common room. Lance let out a long exhale, then looked over at Keith and grinned and raised his eyebrows. Keith groaned in disgust and rolled his eyes, then leaned back and kicked Lance in the thigh with his boot. "You're gross," he said.

"I'm wounded," Lance said, and caught Keith's foot before he could kick him again. "You're the one who eats ass and you call me gross."

Keith turned bright red. "I, you-" he sputtered. Lance still had his boot in both hands, so Keith aimed a kick with his free leg. Lance was too busy laughing now, as Keith's blush grew progressively darker. "You are such an asshole," Keith seethed when he could finally put words together. Lance yanked on his foot and Keith yelped, sliding down the bench couch and smacking his head against the cushions. Lance hopped up quick as a whistle and put one hand on Keith's shoulder, keeping him pinned down to the couch.

"I know I'm an asshole," he said cheerfully, ducking his head in close to Keith's and smirking pretty heavily. "And you love it."

Keith glared up at Lance. "I most certainly do not love it when you're an asshole," he informed Lance, and shoved at his chest with both hand. "Did you fuck Shiro, is that why you took a shower? I saw him leave after you."

This time, it was Lance who turned an appropriate shade of pink. "I didn't," he said, and looked away.

"Yeah, I call bullshit," Keith said. "You're way too happy and perky to have not gotten laid." Keith shoved at Lance again, having made no progress from the first onslaught. "I guess I should count myself lucky I can't smell him on you right now, because I don't know what would have happened otherwise."

Lance sat back on his heels while still straddling Keith, and rested his hands on his thighs. "We didn't fuck," he said insistently. "We just talked. And ... made out a little. But no sex."

"So why the shower then?" Keith challenged.

"I jerked off like, twice," Lance said with absolutely no shame. "Easier cleanup."

Keith gripped the front of Lance's shirt with both hands and pulled him down, so that they could kiss. "Next time come find me," Keith murmured into his mouth, and Lance bit his lip. Keith groaned and wiggled just a little, his hand sliding up over Lance's shoulder to the back of his head.

"Lance," Allura said from the elevated entrance to the common room, that ran along the back of the couches. Lance sat up quickly on his knees, Keith's hands falling from his shoulders. Lance ran a hand through his short, damp hair to settle it back down as he looked over at Allura, exuding false innocence.

"Yes, Princess?" he asked, charm turned on to full.

Allura walked to the edge of the couch, and then looked down at them. Keith had gone a deep shade of red, pinned in place by Lance straddling him. "Good afternoon, Keith," she said, folding her arms and expression unreadable.

"Uh, hi, Princess," Keith said.

"Did I catch you at an inopportune moment?" she asked sweetly.

"Not at all," Lance said.

"Good." She looked down at them. "I would like to remind you both that the lions are connected to my life force." Lance looked blankly at Allura, but Keith got it right away, putting both of his hands over his face and groaning softly. "I can't believe you two. And then, out here on the couch, too!"

"We weren't gonna do anything here," Lance protested, and Allura pointed to the door.

"Both of you report to Coran in the training room immediately. I'm sure a few rounds with the level seven gladiator bot will get you over this very quickly."

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