What have we done ?/Thyri awakes

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Just as he runs in, the wall above the doorway explodes as Smaug jumps through it. Bilbo runs frantically from the flying rocks, but is caught beneath the cloth of a falling banner and knocked to the floor. Smaug leaps to the floor and shouts angrily "You think you could deceive me, Barrel-rider ?" Bilbo peaks out from the edge of the banner. Smaug says "You have come from Laketown. There is- is some sort of scheme hatched between these filthy dwarves and those miserable cup-trading Lakemen. Those sniveling cowards with their longbows and black arrows !" Smaug is talking to himself, and his voice breaks in both anger and fear when he mentions the black arrows "Perhaps it is time I paid them a visit." He turns to go to Laketown, and Bilbo gasps "Oh, no." He scrambles out from under the banner and yells at Smaug "This isn't their fault ! Wait ! You cannot go to Laketown." Hearing this, Smaug stops for a moment, then turns toward Bilbo, who is running after him "You ​care​ about them, do you ? Good. Then you can watch them die." Smaug turns and strides off down the hall. Suddenly, a voice sounds from one end of the hall, where there is a massive stone structure that looks roughly like a dwarf. The voice is Thorin's. He is standing atop the structure "Here, you witless worm !" Smaug stops in his track, snarling and squinting in anger. He then turns toward Thorin "You.​" Thorin says "I am taking back what you stole." Smaug slowly stalks toward Thorin "You would take nothing from me, Dwarf. I laid low your warriors of old. I instilled terror in the hearts of men. I am King under the Mountain."

His head is level with Thorin now

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His head is level with Thorin now. Bilbo watches from an adjoining hall. Unseen by Smaug, there are chains attached to various places on the back of the stone dwarf structure Thorin is standing on, and the ends of these chains are held by the other dwarves. Thorin tells Smaug "This is not your kingdom. These are dwarf lands, this is dwarf gold, and we will have our revenge." As he speaks, Smaug's chest and neck glow with fire, and Thorin slowly reaches up toward a rope above him. Just as Smaug opens his mouth, Thorin yells a command in Khuzdul. He yanks on the rope, and a pin behind the stone falls out, releasing heavy wooden bands and chains that had been wrapped tightly around the stone. The other dwarves pull mightily on their chains, and more pins similar to the first are pulled out of the stone. Smaug rears his head in confusion. The stone structure, which is now revealed to be the mold into which the liquid gold from earlier poured into, falls apart and reveals a massive statue of King Thror, made entirely out of solid gold. Thorin swings away on a rope to escape the falling rocks. Smaug looks at the golden statue, which is even larger than him, in awe and desire. As he approaches it, his mouth opens slightly in greed. Suddenly, the gold around the statue's eyes warps and then explodes into liquid. The gold in the statue had not yet fully solidified, and the entire statue collapses and explodes into burning hot liquid.

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Thyri, Daughter of Thrain, Dragonslayer (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now