December 8th- is this a date?

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I wake up and feel jack laying beside me. well beside my body but on my arm.

"Jack" I whisper "jack" I say a bit louder "jack!" I yelled a little "JACK!" I scream and he jump clear off the bed. "I'm up!" she yells. I giggle "oh um hi" he says. I see his face start to get a bit red. well I think I did.

"You sleep like a log" I say and laugh. " bed was soft" he says and sits on the bed next to me.

"So well you can leave today, so I was wondering could I walk with you to the university? I go there too" he say "sure" I say. I kinda get a little excised.

It's 2:30 so I leave. me and jack walk to the university. I have to walk around with a weird stick.

When we get there he asks a woman what my room number is. she says 123. so we go there.

Soon we're there and he says goodbye and so do I.

I open the door and walk into the room. "um hi I'm elsa! I'm the new girl. I'm blind so um were is my bed?" I ask and here a giggle. a giggle I've herd before. then here another one. "Elle? lily?" I ask and they hug me "yeah it's us!" They say. wow! I'm rooming with my best friend. this will be great!

Then I hear a knock at the door. "Elsa jacks here!" Elle yells. I try to walk to the door. "hey jack" I say as I get there. "Hey elsa just wanted to know if you wanted to get a coffee of something." he asks. "yes sure" I say and walk out. is this a date or what? oh well enjoy it like it is elsa

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