Chp 1: The Morning After

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     My eyes slowly open to the gentle sound of the alarm clock, playing its peaceful chime to wake me from my sleep for another glorious day of being alive. I roll over to my side and peer out of my window; the sun shines its beautiful rays into my room, small particles of dust dance ever so gleefully in its radiance. The birds outside are singing, an elderly couple is walking down the street, hand in hand, as if their love hasn't faded the slightest in the years they've been together. The neighborhood looks astonishing, beautifully built houses with a Greek-like architecture fill every plot of land as far the eye can see.

       I jump out of bed and make my way to the bathroom to prepare myself for another incredible day of living my life. You know, I can't really say I like everything in it, but I have so many positives, it definitely outweighs the negatives. Getting to see my love is one thing that makes it all worthwhile, Jesse. And so are you! The voice inside of my head, the one I can always come to when I'm feeling alone, the one that brings me peace and rational thinking and the one that never makes the wrong choice. The only one that isn't telling me to... Anyway! Enough of that, it's time I start to getting ready for the day.

As I walk into the bathroom, I glance at the mirror and see that my skin is practically glowing today, I feel so full of confidence as if nothing could stop me. As I rummage through my clothes, carefully placing each article I don't intend on using gently to the side, I notice the couples shirt that Jesse and I made for our four year anniversary. Ah, my first and only love, just the thought of that day makes my body feel warm with romance and passion. Though the shirts were only a small gift for each other, I always cherished it because of the fond memories it elicits every time I see it. I wonder If he would be up to wearing it to school. I'll call him and see.

     "Good morning handsome, You up?" I ask probably way too energetic for him.

     "Good morning sweetie, yes I am. How are you today?" He replies in a tired voice.

     "Any day is a great day when I Know I get to see you! Hey, do you want to wear our couples shirt to school today?"

     "Mmmm, yea sure! Let me just go and find it real quick!"

     "Okay! I'll put you on speaker, just tell me if you find it!" I put the phone down and continue to prepare myself for the coming day.

       It's so crazy how just talking to him can put me in such a graceful mood, even if I'm already way to ecstatic for the day. As I wait for the reply, I throw on the shirt and some jeans then decide to go downstairs to see if father has prepared anything for breakfast. Walking down the stairs, each step creaking under the weight of my feet coming down, it's impossible to be quiet in this house, I swear, makes sneaking out a nightmare. Sorry, sidetracked. As I'm coming down the stairs, the smell of bacon and eggs envelopes me, and as if it were some type of cartoon, I follow the smell nose first into the kitchen. But alas, there is no bacon or eggs as my senses would so easily fool me, but a dirty plate and fork sitting in the sink next to an oven that's just starting to cool. 

     I guess dad must've run out before he got to me, again. That's a shame, well I'll just eat a candy bar, no big deal. As I walk over to the pantry to retrieve said candy bar, I notice my vitamins sitting on the cabinet next to dad's blood pressure pills. It's nothing really, just something to keep me healthy and functioning. After swallowing the pills, I hear my father yelling from the living room.

     "Sam! Your stepmother wants you to call her tonight, and come here I have important news."

     "Coming!" I yell back, grabbing my backpack and the candy bar. Upon walking into the living room, I see my father sitting in his usual rocking chair as all clichéd fathers do. He peers over his glasses as if he's trying to get a better look at me before speaking.

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