Chp 6: The Woman in White

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A loud sound that practically shakes the house wakes me from my sleep.  I can hear yelling and objects crashing onto the ground coming from downstairs.  Quickly, I get out of bed and run to where the noise is coming from and see my father standing next to a capsized coffee table; vases and relics shattered on the floor.  He's standing in front of it, breathing heavily with bloodshot eyes and a bottle of whiskey in his hand.  He sets his sights on me.

"Oh, there you fucking are.  Decided to come home for once? You could've told you weren't coming home last night, I would've stayed and drunk some more but instead, I was here worrying my ass off. Do you have any fucking respect for me?" He yells at me in a drunken tone.

"I'm...I'm sorry... I didn't..."

Before I can finish my sentence, he starts walking towards me. 

"You're becoming more and more like that fucking mother yours.  Going out all night, not telling me where the fuck she is. You two are the most disrespectful people I've ever known.  My own fucking family.  I can still hear her now oh I love you baby I'll never leave, while She's fucking another man and giving all my money to him.  That's love alright.  You're going to turn out just like her, a worthless skank with no care for anyone but yourself."

He walks up to me and grabs me around my wrist, then shoves me against the wall.  His eyes are widened and filled with hate.  In my peripheral, I see him lift the bottle with his free arm, and brings it downwards across my head, shattering it into the base of my skull.  I fall towards him and he stumbles backward onto the ground as he loses his balance.  My vision blurs and I feel the warm blood start running down the side of my face in streams.  Scrambling to my feet, I start to make my way to the door, tripping and falling as I try to regain my composure.  As I reach my hand and grasp the doorknob, I turn it when I feel an incredible force strike the back of my head.

   I'm pushed through the front door and down the steps, multiple bones in my body slamming onto the concrete steps.  Joints cracking with each hit, I finally come to rest on the ground. A pool of blood starts to form around my limp body as I once again try to stand to my feet.  I feel his hand wrap around my ankles and begin dragging me towards the garage.

"You want to leave so fucking bad? You hate that me that much? Well come on were going for a ride." He says as he begins dragging me.

I try my hardest to grab onto anything I can to stop him, but I'm too weak and disoriented to do so.  I can't help but stare back towards the house, watching the streaks of blood that are being left behind as he drags me into the passenger seat of my own car.  He violently picks me up and throws me into the car, my body thuds against the console.  He then proceeds to walk to the driver's side. But stops himself before he gets to that side.

"You know what? Just fucking go, I don't even want to be by you anymore. In fact if you left, you'd be doing me a favor.   Getting me away from you.  It's not easy taking care of someone who doesn't even believe there's anything wrong with them, when she knows damn well that something is wrong.  You take those pills every morning and they keep you from going off the deep end.  And all that shit comes back on me.  Oh, how's the psycho doing today? She didn't lose her mind yet?  I get judged more than you for your fucking illness.  And you're too damn selfish to try and do anything about it.  All you care about is that fucking boyfriend of yours, the one that treats you like shit.  The one who ignores you and tells you to solve your own problems.  Open your fucking eyes Sam, you're a mess and you're making everyone around you miserable.  Even your own grandfather said he doesn't want to come home because he doesn't want to deal with your shit. You'd be better off dead, just like your mother."

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