Prologue: Remembrance

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Running through the snow-covered trees, trying to escape from the world closing in around me.  My feet sinking about six inches with each step, I'm surprised I haven't fell yet, but I see my destination coming closer. Beyond the tree I see the house, it's snow covered roof compliments the white paint that is starting to flake off of the walls on the outside.  A few ice sicles hang from the gutters, waiting to melt when the sun rises, though that doesn't appear to be anytime soon.

    As I make my way beyond the tree line, the thick gray fog that was closing in on me stops suddenly, as if this area is sacred and cannot be harmed but it's malicious intent. The air is cold but dry, and my breath materializes each time I exhale, a truly frigid day.

The crunching of snow beneath my feet is the only sound present right now, everything else is at a complete stand still. The trees around me, their branches hanging low due to the massive amounts of snow on them, and the dreary fog that surrounds them sets a very somber tone.

    Making my way to the house, I can't help but feel a sense of familiarity come over me, I know this place somehow.  The walls look familiar, the doors and windows as well.  I have a few flashbacks of a time where I was sitting on the porch swing, whistling the tunes to my favorite songs. Though I have this sense, I cannot place where exactly I am, as if that moment in my life is blocked out.

    As I make my way to the porch and up it's creaking and dry rotted steps, I notice a woman with a long white dress and black hair standing in the doorway, facing inside. On the other side of her, there is a bright light, she walks into it and disappears.  Though she never said a word, I just knew she was beckoning me to follow her, so as I did many times before, I follow her lead and into the light.

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