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      You moved deftly, amongst the shadows, eyes trained on the silhouette at the end of the inky black hall. You were just doing what you were paid to do and that was to keep him busy. They didn't send you to kill him but there good chance of your own death. There was no doubt in your mind that he could hear you, his senses were sharper then most. His shoulder long hair billowed back slightly from the breeze coming in through the open window.
"For someone who is scared your heart beat is very calm." His voice came out soft, his hands still clasped behind his back.
You were a hunter, and the goal was to keep the one known as James Barnes busy while your team took out his pack. There hadn't been any intent on taking him out, he was to strong of an immortal to do that and truth be told his life was much more valuable with him being right where he was. Well, would be once his pack was destroyed, angry, that deep rage that would come with what where deemed his were killed.
"I'm not scared." You replied shakily, swallowing as you slowly continued to walk to him.
Slowly he turned, the moonlight catching his blue eyes settling them aglow. The flawless pale skin only interrupted by the stubble that he chose to grow. Dark creatures that chose to feed on humans, he was powerful and even as calm as his body seemed you knew he was deadly.
"Cute little knife you got there." He stated coyly, turning fully. His frame blocking the moonlight from reaching his face, and yet those piercing icy blues bore into you.
The weight of the silver dagger in your hand caused you to pause, you hadn't remembered pulling it from your hip. You were suppose to keep him busy, entertained, and if need be fight him, you weren't supposed to draw the dagger unless needed. Your step faltered and you knew he noticed as he slowly began to move toward you, his black clothing becoming one with the surrounding shadows.
"So they sent you?" He asked, every muscle in your body began to hum with anticipation the closer that he came. "Poor child, did you volunteer or were you told to come on this suicide mission?"
"I was chosen." You tried to respond with force but the vibrato falling short on your lips.
"A sacrificial lamb?" He chuckled, becoming close enough, his hands still clasped behind his back.
Your heart skipped, and then came thundering back, you struck out. You excepted him to move, but he didn't. Instead the blade slipped into him with ease, pricing through the black tailored suit he was wearing. You stared at where your hand still held the hilt of the dagger, slowly your gaze rose, taking his full size.
"Oh look, I've been stabbed." He said, humor dripping from his words, he was close enough that you could see the twin fangs slowly drop down into place.
"Oh shit, now what?" You whispered to yourself backing away from him, your fingers recoiling away from the wooden hilt.
He looked down, turning slightly so you could catch the full image of your dagger piercing his chest from the moonlight behind him. James's fingers glimmered in the light as he wrapped them around the hilt. You had heard stories, rumors, whispers of the being with the metal arm, but in all your mind you hadn't heard his name when it came to those childish stories.
His head whipped back to you, neon blues slowly turning red as you continued to back away. He pulled the dagger out at such a slow pace, your breathing turned ragged realizing that you had done just what you hadn't wanted to do, piss him off. He pulled the blade up to his face, allowing the moonlight to catch the metal of it and his hand, a flash of the light reflecting off both sending a chill down your spine.
His body moved, shifted and you heard the dagger whiz past your head, the heavy thunk of it being embed in the wall somewhere behind you. You couldn't wait any longer, you turned on your heel and took off in a full sprint, laughter penetrating the air behind you as you turned the corner racing through the building.
You only paused long enough to set the timer before continuing your task of getting the hell out. There was no reason to wonder where he was, you had his attention, that was part of plan keep him focused on you. Being a creature of the night there was no doubt he would find you, it was just when and if you buy yourself some time then so be it. Cause once he realized his pack was dead there would be hell on earth again. You tossed the front door open, and were slammed face first down into the soil, a heavy weight pinning you down.
"Thought you could out run me?" He whispered his fangs brushing the outside of your ear.
"No." You replied out of breath looking over your shoulder, barely catching sight of the building behind his body, a glow from within the window brighten the world.
"Please tell me you didn't just start a fire." He stated, you could feel him shift his weight looking at the building as well.
"I didn't just set a fire." You responded, his head slowly turning back to you.
"Thank god." He smiled, his canines catching light, reminding you what you were still pinned beneath wasn't human.
"I set off a bomb." You heard yourself say, you weren't sure why you felt compelled to tell him but you did.
You saw anger cross his face before the world went black.

When you came to you found yourself on a plush bed, and he was setting up next you. He was wearing black dress pants and a unbutton black dress shirt. His smooth muscular chest visible as he toyed with your dagger.
"You know, usually when they send the decoy they aren't as lovely as you or as feisty. No one has ever set a bomb off in one of my homes." He told you, you tried to figure out were you were but the trees outside the window obscured anything that might have given you that idea. "And just so you are aware, your team failed to kill my family."
"What happened?" You asked softly sitting up.
"They were dinner." He smirked, setting the dagger down and turning his body to face you. Gently he reached up cupping your cheek. "I like your ambition, I think I'll keep you."
Before you chance to respond you found yourself pinned again beneath him, teeth sunk in deep on your neck. Pain flood through your body as you gripped his shoulders a silent scream coming from your open mouth.

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