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Down at the facility a guard lit his cigarette and looked up the hill, as the clouds parted he saw the nine human figures. One was massive, easily standing twice the size as the rest and built like a semi truck, a large wolf and another humanoid shape. The wind rustled the fallen leaves at the man's feet as the smoke fell from his lips, the man dead center of the group raised his hand, sliver gleaming in the moonlight as he did.
A roar echoed down through the valley as he dropped his arm, the massive beast charging ahead. The man with the smoke, turned and sprinted, his rifle slinging back and forth across his back as he made his way to the alarm on the side of the building. The sound of a wolf baying pierced the air, the thundering of heavy foot fall catching up to him quickly. Just as his fingertips pressed the alarm button was he lifted from the ground and flung into the side of a nearby cement building chunks falling to the ground around his crumpled and broken form.
The lights darkened in your room, red flashes started to strobe as the alarm began to wail. Your heart skipped a beat as your rose from your bed, your mouth slightly a gap and body trembled. It was happening, he was here and relief washed through you. A roar reverberated through the building as an explosion somewhere in the compound echoed over the alarm.
You had changed out of the dress Wanda had given you, replacing it with your black tactical gear, a gun strapped to your hip and a dagger attracted to your thigh. You had pulled yourself together in the hours that had past, coming to terms with what had been told to you. Taking time to ready yourself for the following battle one that been centuries in the making. Hair braid back, you knew the side you stood on, the side that was right.
Rumlow sprang into action, commanding those beneath him into their positions as the sounds of metallic rain coursed through the air outside. The alarm cutting short, flashes of red continued to course through the dark as the lights went out around him. The sound of human screams pierced through air as he rushed out of the command office. He stopped by the weapons cache, throwing the doors open, his eyes landed on the thick long sword.
He pulled it out, flipping it, watching as the red light caught in the design of skulls with elongated teeth. The weight in his palms sent a shiver down his spine, eyes narrowing at the old writing long forgotten close to the hilt. He would be remembered as the best there had been, for he would be the one to have the control of the last known pure, James Barnes. He would be the one to eradicate the beasts known as vampires.
Bodies laid strewn about outside the compound, the soil drenched in blood of the living. Crimson coated the beasts that had brought destruction, the hulking form standing next to Tony roared again, making their presence not forgotten.
"Hulk, why don't you be a dear, smash the door open." Tony quipped pulling a rifle from a mutilated body as James looked around his family.
Blood splattered them all but none had taken injury, every single one had red eyes, all trained to the metal door as the Hulk rushed to it. His fists slamming hard into it, sending it flying inward. Gunfire greet him back, angering him further and he came barreling down the hallway.
    "Clint, Wanda, find y/n." James called out as they entered. He pulled a wicked looking black hand gun from the holster on his hip, blue eyes trained ahead. "Let's tear this place to the ground!"
    You knelt on the floor in front of the door as the sound of gunfire and screams filled the once silent air. You had found a pin and were currently using the cover of the fight outside to try and work your way to freedom. The red strobe was your only light as you bit your lip, your eyes closed as you felt the inside of the lock. What felt like hours was in reality only a couple minutes and you felt the door unlatch.
    Turning the handle as you stood you stepped out into the hall, drawing the gun from your hip. One of your men, the Hydra soldiers turned the corner, rifle raised.
   "Get back." Was all he got out before you leveled the weapon and pulled the trigger, aiming into the small space in his helmet. His body dropped as you strode forward, heading towards the sound of bullets and screams.
    Turning the corner you had your weapon raised, men you had known your whole life stood in position in the hall facing away from you. Their backs making easy targets, base of the necks visible, they shouldn't of trained you since childhood. POP! The gun fired finding its mark on the first one of the four, his body dropped to the ground, crumbling next to the others.
     One of the other men turned his head slowly, eyes landing on your stalking form as you continued to press forward. He swung his rifle, but it was to late as you shot him too, POP POP! You stepped over the dead men, checking your gun, seeing how many bullets you had left. Knowing the Rumlow would no doubt be holed up in the main part of the compound, mostly surrounded by countless men. Six left and one in the chamber, if you die tonight so be it. You were done being someone's pawn, you had made your choice.
Pain flooded through the base of your neck as you passed a darkened hallway to your left. Your body dropped to the floor as darkness took hold.
"Should be paying attention." Rumlow sneered as he stepped out, he bent down grasping your left wrist and began to drag you down the hall.
James moved deftly through the corridors, killing as many people as he could. Blood drenched his clothes, smeared across his face. A roar echoed through the metal and cement building from somewhere deep within. He kept pushing forward, ripping the door from its hinges as he came up to it. Stepping into a large room, a man stood dead center, a large sword held tightly in his hand.
At his feet was a crumpled form, your arms tied tightly behind your back. You hair cascaded over your face, he could smell your blood. The abrasions on your arms fresh and weeping. It made James's blood boil as he glared down the other man, you groaned as you tried to sit up.
"There is only one way out of this Barnes." Rumlow spoke, his voice echoing off the walls.
"Your body drained and shredded." James growled.
"No, your pack dead and you becoming my personal war machine." The other man replied, as he slowly slid the edge of the sword toward your neck. "Or I kill her."

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