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You hadn't realized that you had dozed off, your body against his. You woke, disoriented, you knew where you were but had no clue if it was day or night or somewhere in between. That hypnotic scent was heavy on him as the gentle rise and fall of his chest beneath your head threatened to lull you back to sleep. James's arm was protectively wrapped around your waist, pinning you to him. You shifted slightly, trying to pull yourself free, and his eyes fluttered open.
"Morning, Doll." He said with a yawn, his fangs fully descended as he did, making him look more like the animal he was.
"Is it?" You asked, you needed to get away and the longer you were pressed against him the harder it was.
"No, it's probably evening." He sighed, rubbing his calloused hand over the smooth fabric of your gown. "I need to get up, I have to feed."
"You mean kill." You snapped, finally managing to pull yourself away from him in disgust.
You had slept next to him, next to it, a monster. Then you remembered he had kissed you, and you had enjoyed feeling the way his lips moved against yours. The thought made you want to wretch, you shook your head and stared at the crimson curtain.
"Yes, I will kill." He spat back, pushing himself out of the bed, you didn't bother to look at him. "You think your food better then mine cause you obtain it from a market? Hmm, that you don't feed yourself on the death of something else?"
"I don't eat human!" You shot back, your head whipped around to face him. His eyes glowed as he lean forward on the mattress, his knuckles pressing down under his weight.
"Human, cow, pig, apples, lettuce, makes no difference to me. In order to survive we all ingest something else that at one point had been living, child, it's best you make peace with that." He growled, slowly crawling toward you. The hairs on the back of your neck began to stand on end as he creeped closer. You held your spot refusing to cower away from him, the heat from his body radiating onto you as he closed in.
"There's.. a difference." You breathed leaning back as his torso slid over yours. You tried not to tremble beneath him, fear overriding the scent of his lure.
"Is there?" He whispered, his head lowering to your shoulder, he nudged your head to the side and buried his face in your neck. "Food is food, it's life, how we obtain it or what it comes from is no matter. We live to kill, and to eat, so that we can live and create. It a vicious cycle, and whether or not you want it, you my dear, are a part of it."
"Is that what I am? Food?" You asked, closing your eyes as you felt his lips place a tender kiss on your pulse point. Warmth spread through you at the act, it was dangerous and it was intimate.
"No, you are no food, you are pleasure. One I'd very much like to enjoy." He breathed sending a shiver down your spine, his words leaving a sinful feeling coursing through you like a wild fire.
You closed your eyes, taking deep calming breaths as he continued to nuzzle and places kisses against your skin. You braved your body weight onto one hand that was holding you semi upright, with your free hand you slid it up his bare arm. You didn't stopped till your fingers tangled in his hair, a low growl came from him as his body stiffened from your contact. You bit down on your bottom lip and pulled him back with force, his lip curled into a snarl as he glared at you.
"If you need to feed, then go." You stated, your voice low as you glared back at him.
"Yes, M'Lady." He responded, pulling away from you, your heart hammered in your chest as he removed himself fully from the bed. He had still been naked, that was evidently by the feel of his skin against your bare thigh. What you hadn't notice was he had been aroused, they never taught that in training. Then again they hadn't taught you about ancients, just the ones created.
You heard him dress himself on the other side of the curtain as you took deep breaths. You knew nothing about pures, there hadn't been any literature on them, you hadn't known they had existed until he had stated it. When the team had chose you to go and keep him distracted they had said he was an old one, but you assumed he was like the others you had hunted and killed. The door clicked closed and you finally moved from your spot, looking around the curtain to find the room empty.
Sighing deeply you walked over to the closet in hopes of finding something to wear. Your vision clouded, reminding you that even though you had slept you still weren't one hundred percent better. Your stomach growled as you looked at his clothes, you took the silk gown off, dropping it to the floor at your feet and pulled on one his dark button downs that came to your upper thighs. The unfortunate part was you couldn't find anything to put on your lower half.
Still you walked to the door and opened it, peeking out into the hall. It was empty, maybe the rest of his pack went to feed like he had leaving you alone in the house. Quickly you rushed to the stairs, taking them as fast as you could till you hit the bottom level. The room was empty, your heart thundering as you sprinted across to the partially open door. Someone stepped out from the shadows, snaking his arm around your midsection, lifting you so your feet didn't touch the ground as a hand was clamped over your mouth.
"Trust me, you don't want to go in there." Steve whispered into your ear, pulling you back into the shadows with him. "Foolish girl, that room is for feeding and what you'll find in there is enough to give humans nightmares."
Gently he set you back down to your feet and removed his hands from you. His red eyes still visible even in the shadows as he backed away a bit.
"You must be hungry, I can take you to the kitchen. Wanda has made something to eat." He said softly, he must of blinked cause the glowing red disappeared. You felt him slip his hand into yours and pull you lightly, urging you to follow him.
It took a moment for you to realize the shadow was a hallway, and light breached the end of the darkened tube. He led you into the kitchen, it was large and expertly modeled, cherry cabinets with gold accents, soft recessed overheard lights with a door to the outside along the wall. Steve walked over to the pot on the stove and grabbed a bowl from the counter. He scooped some of the contents from the pot into the bowl before bringing it over to the island and setting it down.
"Please sit." He asked, gesturing towards the bar stool.
"Why are you being nice, I didn't get the impression you cared much when I met you earlier." You stated as you sat on the stool and looked down at the bowl of oatmeal.
"Bucky asked that I look out for you, and so I will. For whatever reason he is enamored with you." He shrugged, you brought a spoonful of the food to you mouth. The hint of apples and cinnamon made your mouth water and stomach growl even louder then it had earlier.
"Why do you call him Bucky?" You asked after savoring the first bite.
"All families have nicknames for each other." He shrugged, looking down at the counter for a moment. "I've know him a long time, been with him through thick and thin. James is to formal of a name, so I shorten his middle name."
"And that is?" You asked with a smile, Steve's eyes shot up and a small grin formed on his face.
"Buchanan." He smirked, leaning forward. "But if he asked how you found out, lie, and tell him Tony told you."
"Okay." You nodded, chuckling lightly.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked, walking over to an empty chair and sitting down.
"Well enough, I guess." You shrugged looking around the kitchen.
Your eyes landed on Steve, and for a moment you could almost forget that he wasn't human. He had a boyish charm to him, the way he smile, and he was built like Bucky. Nothing but a solid wall of muscle but he didn't come off as intimidating as his brooding counterpart though.
"Why do your eyes go red?" You asked as you finished your food.
"Because of what I am, all of ours do." He replied, playing with a loose piece of skin on one of his fingers. "Except Bucky's, it's cause we were created and he was born that way."
"Did he create you?" You asked, leaning forward on your elbows watching him.
"Yes, it was a very long time ago. He found me in a back alley, I was sick and dying. Had the crap beat out of me for helping a dame that was being attacked. Then he came to me, told me that he could help."
"And he turned you?" You asked him, your brows knitted together.
"No, I told him to get lost. It wasn't till two nights later that he turn me. I had nothing going for me, skinny kid that could barely breathe. All I had was this need to do the right thing." Steve took a deep breath in. "And that's all I've done since."
"You help people?" You scoffed, giving him a quizzical look. "How?"
"The people I drain, none of them are good people. They prey on others by inflicting pain, they rape and steal and they murder in cold blood." Steve shot back, red started to rim the blue of his eyes. "The people I kill deserve no less then the worst the world has to offer."
"So you play judge, jury and executioner?" You asked simply, trying to keep your breathing even.
"Is that no less then what you have done to us?" James's voice came from behind you, you jumped and looking over your shoulder to him. Blue eyes pinning you to your spot as he walked into the kitchen the rest of the way. "Thank you for keeping her company, punk. I got this."
"Whatever you say Buck, she seems feisty." Steve replied smirking but his eyes were on you, the red fading quickly.

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