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A shiver tore through your spine at the word that left your lips. You had been trained never to say it, they were beasts, animals, creatures, anything but vampire. The word held power, it held fear, a breed of human that lived off the blood of mortals. A type human so ruthless to rip the throats out of the living, people who could drain a full grown man in minutes. In training they never called them vampires, it made people nervous, so you had been trained to work around the word. Now having had said it out loud, it made this that much more real.
You had vampire standing behind you, his arm wrapped tenderly around you holding your face to meet his. His soft lips moving against yours, the way his tongue flicked across your lips, making you moan softly into his mouth. His tongue slipped between your lips, tangling with yours, heat blossomed from your body as you turned in his arms. Your body molding to his as the kiss deepened, you had the compelling need for more despite the feeling in your head.
You pulled back breaking the kiss, your eyes still closed tight. You took a ragged breath, knowing that you had a crossed line hunters were never supposed to cross. It didn't matter, you wanted more, you wanted him. Slowly you opened your eyes, his eyes were dark, bright blue rimmed his dilated pupils.
"I can't do this." You whispered, pulling yourself away from him. You bit down on your lip, staring at him as he let you slip out of his arms.
"And why not, doll?" He asked.
"It's.. not right." You breathed, feeling your calves hit the mattress of his bed behind you. He nodded and walked to you, his fleshed hand seeking yours, twining his fingers with yours before bringing them to his lips. "It's not natural."
"Am I not a man?" He asked, placing a gentle kiss to your knuckles, before sliding the cool metal of his other hand across your hip. "And are you not a woman? Sounds pretty natural to me."
"But.." You breathed out, your voice lost as you stared up into his face.
He lips met yours again, kissing with urgency, his grip on your hip tightened. You slid your hands up his chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath his shirt. He reached down with his right hand cupping the back of your thigh, he dug his nails in as he lifted you up and held you close while he climbed on to the mattress where he gently laid you down. Sweet spices lingering through the air, spurring you to continue.
    The weight of James's body on yours made your body ignite, feeling the way his hand slid up your side on its way to your shoulder. His tongue dancing with yours as he hooked his finger in the shoulder of the dress and slowly pulled the material downward exposing more of your skin. You breathed heavily as he slowly began to trial his lips down the side of your face, his beard rubbing wonderfully against your cheek as his tongue flicked out over your earlobe. James rolled his hips into your thigh and you could feel the bulge in his pants.
    "So beautiful." He murmured, he shifted and you felt his fingers slip to the knot in the front of the dress, pulling it loose.
    With the knot loose he was able to pull the fabric farther down, slowly exposing your right breast to him. He kissed down your neck, moving lower on your body till you felt the warmth of his mouth wrap around the pert bud. You arched your back into him, fingers wrapping into his hair, nails lightly scraping his scalp. His tongue flicked over your nipple, pleasure rippling through straight to your core.
James's fingers effortlessly glided down your body, grabbing at the material around your legs and slowly pulled it up. You moaned as you felt him suck hard on the sensitive bud, his hand slipping under the hem of the dress. Your eyes shot open and gasped when you felt his fingers brush across your folds.
"So wet." He whispered against your breast, the tip his finger slipping between your lower lips finding the sensitive bundle of nerves hidden. He grounded himself into you again, needing friction if his own.
A moan escaped your lips as he slipped his fingers lower. You could feel yourself stretch delightfully around his thick fingers, the heel of his hand working your clit, your hips grinding into his palm on their accord. He growled as his lips left you and found their way back to your neck. You could feel yourself building as he pumped his fingers into you, hooking slightly rubbing a sweet spot down inside that you didn't know existed.
He kissed the side of your neck as you gripped his hair tight, you whimpered as you could to feel the way he rubbed your clit in time with each reentry of his fingers. Just as that coil snapped you felt his teeth sink into your neck again. A scream tore from your lips as you gripped onto him tightly, every muscle in your body tightening. Suddenly and violently you were remind that he was still a vampire, even with his fingers slowly pumping into you as you rode out your orgasm.
Slowly he pulled his fingers from you and you could feel how slick you were, he shifted and you heard metal clicking. He kicked hard, you looked down his back and saw his pants around his ankles. His bare ass in view as he settled his hips between your legs, you breathed heavily realizing what was about to happen. His knuckles brush across your folds as he pumped himself, the head of cock touching you.
"Oh god." Fear lacing your whisper at the realization he was about to have his way with you.
"There is no god here." He growled as he snapped his hips into you, his cock thrusting into you hard. You cried out as you felt the burn at the sudden, sharp intrusion, his thick girth stretching you.
His mouth returned to your neck, fangs slipping back into the holes he had already created. His hand held your hips down as he roll back and thrusted into you again. He growled lowly as he held his mouth like a vise on your throat, the way he moved was animalistic. Muscles moving powerful with each thrust, he pace slow and hard.
He finally relented on your neck, lifting his head so he could see your face. Blue eyes catching yours, a small streak of blood fell from  his lips as he rutted into you. He smiled wickedly as you felt that coil tighten with each thrust hitting that spot in you, his pelvic bone grinding into your clit.
"Jesus doll, you're so tight." He said huskily, bowing his head, his hair cascading down around his face. He began to pick up his speed and soft moan escaping his bloodstained lips.
You felt your second orgasm hit you harder then the first, every nerve tingling as it tore it's way through your body. James whimpered as his body went rigid, his hard powerful thrust hitting deep inside you. Profanity fell from him as you felt his cock throb in you, his grip bruising your hips as he came. Sweat covered his body, and the room smelt heavily of the spices you had come to know so well. He collapsed on to you his breath heavy and you could feel his heart jack hammering in his chest.
"Holy hell, doll." He breathed out, kissing your cheek softly.
You could feel the tears burn as you closed your eyes. James rolled off of you, and pulled you partially onto him. You wanted to rolled away, you felt nothing but disgust for yourself. You had let him, let him have sex with you. Not only had you let him, you had enjoyed it. A silent tear fell from your closed eyes. He had made you cum not once but twice, and you through enjoyed feeling him.
To top it off he had spilled himself inside of you, the evidence of that was slowly trailing down your inner thigh. In act of rebellion you managed to push yourself away from and curl away facing the opposite way. You tucked your knees to your chest as the tears continued to flow. James molded his body around your back, slightly propped up. He brushed the hair from your face tenderly.
"Please don't touch me." You whispered, shutting your eyes right.
"Doll, what's the matter?" He asked, his voice soft and tender.
"James, just don't." You replied, you felt him shift and the warmth at your back disappear.

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