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    "You have nothing to regret." You said, pulling yourself from his lap. You crossed back to the window, looking out across the forest again. "That was on me."
    "Doll.." James sighed, you could hear the crinkle of leather as he rose from his chair. You heard the door to the library open, making a soft creaking sound, followed by the sounds of boots. "Steve."
    "Hey, Fury wishes to see us." Steve said, you looked briefly over your shoulder at the two men. James's eyes slowly left you and turned their focus on Steve.
    "About?" James asked, this time Steve glanced to you, he nervously shifted on the balls of his feet before looking back to James.
"A missing persons report." Steve replied, James looked over you, blue eyes catching the moonlight spilling in through the window.
"Give me a minute." He stated, slowly walking over to you, Steve turned and left closing the door behind him. "Doll, your team.."
"They weren't the only people in my group, it's a whole organization. They are.. were just a fraction of us." You replied, looking back out. "You should go talk to Fury."
"I'll be back soon." He whispered, wrapping his arms around you, spices enveloping you as he kissed the nap of your neck gently. All you could do was nod as he turned and left, you stared out the window. The night beyond still and quiet and you wished you could figure out how you truly felt.
A part of you longed to stayed here and stay with James, but at the same time you still wanted to pull yourself away from everything.
"I don't think I've formally introduced myself." A feminine voice spoke up behind you, you turned and your eyes landed on Natasha. "I'm Nat, heard you want out."
"And?" You asked, remembering what Wanda had said about her hating you.
"I can help you out." She replied, rolling her eyes before looking back to you. "You don't want to be here, you've made that clear, unless you've changed your mind."
"And you want to help me Why? I don't get this feeling you care much for me." You asked, you could see the annoyance in her face and she shifted her stance.
"Cause helping you helps me, and no, I'm not going to elaborate. If you want out I'm offering you away out." She stated at you and every fiber in your being hummed not to trust her but you found yourself crossing the room towards her anyway.
You followed her out of the library, the house quiet as you walked down the hall. She threw open the front door, every step powerful and determined as she went, and you trailed behind. She walked towards the woods, and stepped under the canopy of shadows, your heart rate kicking up as you proceed behind her.
The wind rustled the leaves above you as you went further into the darkened woods, the feeling of being watched creeping up. Your eyes darting around, the darkened recesses of trees and brush made your hairs stand on end, little moonlight filtered down in. You breathed slowly out through your mouth as you descend the hill, away from the home James and his family lived in. You tried not to think about how he would react to absence, all you wanted to think about was your freedom.
Away from the heavy scent of sweet spices, the ones that drew you in, the hypnotic presence it gave you. It clouded your mind, and you couldn't tell were your thoughts end and it began. A snap of a twig breaking you from your thoughts, Natasha stopping just a head, an old worn dirt road crossed your path.
"Follow it that way." She said with a sigh, pointing to the left. You stepped out on the the road and looked back to her. Your blood running cold the instant you turned.
Slowly to large forms slowly came to form on either side of her. One looked to be a cross between a human and some kind of hound. Piercing blue eyes bore into you, surround by golden fur. It leaned forward on absurdly large hands ending in wicked looking claws, it's hind legs, muscles rippling beneath the fur. It's mouth slightly a gap, showing off large canines.
The other stood on the other side of Natasha, the massive form of wolf came to her hip. Jet black fur shimmered in the moonlight, emerald eyes trained on you as it snarled. You took an instinctive step back, you tried to get a word out as Natasha rest her arm on the golden creatures shoulder.
"Don't worry, they won't hurt me." She smirked down at you. "However, you on the other hand."
She shrugged, and the world suddenly sprung into motion as you turned and darted on the road, the beasts heads followed your form. Natasha smiled to herself, sure James said for none of them to hurt you, however he said nothing about his pets.
"Sic her boys." She stated, both animals sprinting into motion.
You barreled down the road, hearing the sound of paws hitting the dirt behind you. Trees whipped past you as you pushed yourself to run as fast as you could.
"Fury, you asked to see us?" James questioned as he stood next the door, Steve shutting it behind him. He looked to the man with the eye patch, crossing his arm in front of his chest.
Fury didn't speak but tossed a file on the desk, your picture on the front. He sighed heavily as he walked over and shut the blinds to his office. He looked over to the men who stood side by side.
"She's been missing for close to a week, she was sent out to talk to someone and hasn't been seen. Or at least that is what the report says." Fury spoke clearly, though both men could hear the doubt in his voice. "Happened the same night the house that was conveniently in Clint's name was burnt down."
"And?" Steve asked, his face never betraying him.
"Well, her friends are worried about her, evidently it's not like her to run off." Fury replied with a shrug. "I know you boys, and I know her friends. More like organization she's with, group that takes out creatures like the two of you."
"Your point is?" Steve asked, eyes slowly turning at the word creature that had been drop by the detective.
"Normally when you guys get ahold of these type of people at least there drained, ripped up bodies get found. However," he said walking back to the desk, tapping the file with his finger. "She hasn't been found, vanished into thin air. Mind telling about her."
"Never saw her." Steve spoke up, his body tensing next to James's.
"Why don't I hear that from him." Fury stated staring directly at James, who up until that point hadn't spoke nor looked at the file.
"You want me to tell you she's dead? The fact she was sent in to distract me while her team killed my family?" James growled taking a step toward Fury, eyes brightening as he stared the other man down. "They sent her for slaughter, they have no claim on her. They casted her to the side."
"Barnes we had an agreement, you help me with the low life's in this town and I'll let you be but your were not to turn anyone else." Fury's words were clipped as he spoke, his body tensing as the other man neared him.
"And I didn't. Rest assured she is still human and not dead but she isn't going back to them." Bucky growled, eyes blazing neon blue as he glared down the man before him.
"Is She there of her volition or are you holding her against her will?"
"She's with me by her own choice." James lied, turning away and walking to the door.
"I hope to god you're telling the truth cause I don't want Hydra running through my town." Was the last thing James heard as he left, letting Steve slam the door behind them.
You land face down, heavy weight slamming into you from behind. You managed to roll to your back as the enormous large golden hound like creature pinned you to the ground. It's head slowly lowering, bright blue eyes trained on your face. It's lunged it's face forward and your brought your hands to fend off its attack. You closed your eyes preparing yourself for the worst. Only to feel something wet and warm slide its way across your forearm.
Your eyes snapped open in an instant, just as the beast licked your arm again. You could barely see it shaggy tail whipping around behind it like crazy. Blinking a couple of times you tried to comprehend what was happening, the wolf human was licking you, much like a dog would if it was happy.
It only last a couple minutes before something black crashed into its side, knocking it from your body. The wolf's head snapped to you, teeth bared and snarl that made you remember why you had been running. Just as the wolf slowly turned to fully face you the gold one sprang up and pounced on it. You took the opening and darted off the way you had been heading.

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