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     Your eyes fluttered opened, greeted by deep crimsons once again. You stared up at the canopy above you, the velvet bowing in slightly toward you. Inhaling deeply once again you were greeted by the sweet heavy spices of James. The bed dipped next to you and slowly you turned your head looking over to him. He had changed into a white dress shirt, and you could make out the outline of his metal arm through the fabric.
     He held out a glass of water to you, his eyes softly landing on you once more. You turned away from him, not wanting to interact with him any further. You had to formulate a plan on how to escape the pack and their nest, get back to where you belonged. away from them.
    "I understand your leeriness of me, but please do not do anything brash." He told you softly, you could feel the bed move from behind you. The glass made a small clink as he set it on the end table next to the bed. "I have some business to attend to downstairs, I promise to explain once I return."
     You refused to roll over and acknowledge him, your mind already reeling as you heard him cross the room on the other side of the curtain. The door clicked closed and you heard a soft unmistakable of a click of a lock. You rolled off the bed, becoming slightly tangled in the silk sheets, attempting not to stagger as you caught yourself on the bedpost to keep from falling.
    Looking down you noticed your tactical pants and black tank were missing, replaced by a little pink silk night gown. You rolled your eyes as you walked over to the large window looking out, droplets of rain slowly traveled down the glass plane. You were on the second floor of the house, quickly you searched the room for rope of some kind but coming up short till you looked once again to the bed, crimson silk sheets partially pooled on the floor.
      The world spun as you rushed to the sheets ripping them from the bed.
    "Steve, I can't believe he brought her here!" Natasha snapped as she paced the darkened library.
    "Bucky does like a new thrill." Steve suggested with a shrug, he didn't bother to look up at the fuming woman as he cleaned out from under his nail with knife.
   "But he brought her, one of them, not some regular human, into our home!" She raged on as Steve flicked his knife and sheathed it. "And to top it off, he chose her! She's in his bed!"
    "You know, Nat, jealously doesn't look so good on you." Steve remarked, pulling himself from the plush leather couch. She shot daggers in his direction as he slowly started to walk toward the door.
   "It's not jealousy when I don't want a killer in our home, that's all they do Steve, kill our kind for sport. And given the opportunity that is exactly what she'll do!" Natasha seethed, her red eyes baring into him.
    "Look Nat, Bucky wouldn't do anything to put us in harms way. You know that, you just can't handle the idea that he chose to take her to his bed, he has chosen her, not you." Steve replied coolly, he stood at the doorway, his hand on the door jam. He turned slightly to look back at her, his eyes mirroring the red glow coming from hers. "What he sees in her, I don't know but if I were you I'd keep that jealousy of yours at bay. I've seen what Bucky can do to one of his own that crosses him."
    Your grip faltered on the silk that was being soaked by the steady drizzle that was coming down, the chilly wind nipping at your exposed flesh. You were only half way down the two stories when you hands have out and you fell the remaining distance, pain blossoming up through your ankle. Looking upward to the open window you prayed no one heard your fall.
    Your vision swam as you pushed yourself to your feet, limping quickly on unsteady feet. You wrapped your arms around your torso, trying to keep some semblance of warmth. Slowly you headed away from the building, to the thick forest surrounding it, till James stepped out from behind a tree, the shadows obscuring his face. You stopped, your heart began to accelerated once more.
    "Doll, I'm deep offended you would ruin the bed sheets that way, though impressed." He stated, taking a step out from the low branches the faint moonlight the peeked out from behind rain heavy clouds catching his face.
    "I'm not staying here, not with you!" You shouted, finally finding your voice.
    "I don't think you have much of choice in that matter." He snipped, you began to back away, looking at the trees surrounding you from the corners of your eyes.
    "I will not stay here with something like you! I have killed your vile kind, wretched beings." You spat out, you slipped while you backed away, falling to the wet ground. Mud covered your knees as you back peddled away.
   "There are none like me, ancients like me don't exist anymore because of hunters like you." He growled, you pushed yourself back up, trying to keep some distance between the two of you. "I wasn't created, I was born the way I am and once there was many of us pure beings, apex hunters is what we were but then you humans had to take it upon your own hands to destroy things you had no business meddling in."
    "Pure?" You scoffed, slowly you began to limp toward the tree line to the side of the house, keeping James in sight while you did. "You are anything but pure! Vile, disgusting creatures of the dark that prey on humans, taking blood that isn't yours. You are an abomination upon on this earth, that's what you are."
    You heard him chuckle darkly from behind you as you finally reached the trees, your shoulder brushing against the rough bark. You stopped for a moment to get the fuzzy feeling in the back your head to subside before pressing on, a deep part of you knew you would not escape him. Something was wrong with you and your ankle was injured, but you couldn't give up. You had to get away from him before he killed you, this was all a cat and mouse game, nothing more to him.
    "An abomination?" He chuckled, his slow gait never changed as he trailed along behind you. "I think I've been called that more then once in my life, and worse. Maybe I am, but that doesn't mean I have any less of a right to live than you."
    "You kill and feed on humans," You breathed, looking over your shoulder at him. His white dress shirt clung to him, drenched through, the muscles beneath were visible through the fabric. His pants stuck to his thighs, for the first time you could see that he was nothing but solid muscle. "You have no right to live."
   He moved faster then you expected when you made an attempt to bolt into the forest. You were slammed back first into a tree, a strong vise like grip pinning your hip to the hard wet bark behind you. James's breath fanning out over your neck, his lips hovering dangerously close to your exposed neck. A shiver coursed it's way down your spine, you blinked as the rain drops traveled down you upturned face, his left handle cradling your chin forcing your head heaven ward.
    "As I said, do not run, it makes you prey in our eyes." He whispered, his full lip brushing softly against the tender skin of your neck. "And doll, you don't want me to hurt you anymore then I have. I can't drink much more of you."
    "What do you mean?" You whispered, his scent washing over you again, comforting you and it made you want to give yourself over to the creature. The man who's lips were dangerously close to your life line, his wet hair plastered to his the sides of face.
    "I lost control, and took more then I should of. You taste so sweet." He murmured, his tongue flicking out across your throat at the pulse point. You felt your body tremble at his admission, your heart rate speeding up faster then it had before. "So sweet and so full of life."
    "I'm not.. I'm not.." You stuttered, feeling fear course through you, your breath coming out in ragged breaths. "You didn't.."
    "Sentences doll, use your words." Slowly he pulled his head back away from your exposed neck, still cradling your chin so you were forced to look up at him. His eyes glowing a neon blue as he looked down into your face.
    "Please tell me, you didn't make me into some kind of monster." You pleaded, feeling a slow tear mix with the cold rain as it traveled down your cheek.
    "I haven't, yet." He whispered, his eyes traveling down your face to your lips as he took a step back, taking in your body. The silk becoming almost sheer from the rain, he could see the way it hugged your body, the outline from your harden nipples. His lips tugged up at the corner of his mouth, a fang showing in the process. "You will beg me to when I finally do."
    The thought of being like him and the others in the house made your stomach lurch. You hated their kind, everything about them, it wasn't natural. You watched him as he smirked, seemingly lost in thought, and you took the moment to bolt. Pain springing up from your injured ankle but you pressed on nevertheless.

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