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The building was a common garden shed, it held an assortment of tools to use around the house. Shovels, and rakes, in the corner was an old fashion push mower and sheers. Your brows furrowed as you looked around and then back to the man that had led you there.
"I don't understand." You said simply, looking back around the room.
"Master Barnes asked me to keep you company and show you to the shed. He said, that if she wishes to kill me she might need a way to do it." Your head snapped back to him, there was glint in his eyes as he smiled to you.
"So you brought me to the shed?" You asked, voice raising a bit.
"I am not to interfere unless you try to escape." He said, backing out and closing the doors behind him. You nodded to yourself looking around the room, surely there had to be something here you could use.
You rummaged around, finding an old broken scythe, the metal worn, and rusted through. It crumbled upon contact with your hands, but the wooden handle held firm. You raised your eyebrow taking it to the garden sheers where you began you clip it into a point, raising it up to your face to get a better look.
Racing around you found an old trowel and you took it to the metal bench grabbing a loose hammer you began to forcefully hit it at the edge. Straightening it out, sharpening the edge as you went. You set it to the side as you busied yourself making the best out of what was given to you.
Outside your guard stood, every time he heard a crash or something being slammed a small smile spread out across his face. He had never really been around humans for any extended period of time and to hear you in the shed, hearing your tenacity made him smile. He lifted his head when he heard the soft steps approaching.
"Master Barnes." He greeted him.
"Vision, you may go." He said softly, clamping his hand the other man's shoulder as he approached the doors.
"Just a warning sir, she should be armed." Vision replied as he walked back to the main house.
James chuckled darkly, that's what he had been hoping for. He pulled the door open and you stopped all movements, your back was to him and your spine went rigid. That familiar scent of spices washed through the air as the doors opened. You took an even breath, slowly looking over your shoulder at him. His silhouette taking up much of the opening, he leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
He was back lit from the moonlight behind him, slowly you turned in place. Your fingers wrapped around the wooden make shift stake as you did. He pushed himself off the doorway and shut the door tightly behind him, the sound of wood scraping across the dirt floor as he did. You could see him walk along the walls of the shed through the hints of light coming through the wooden planks that made the sides.
His gait was that of a predator stalking its prey, it was slow, and powerful. And you kept your distance circling away from him, edging closer to the door, not wanting to have a fight in a room filled with sharp points.
    "A stake? Cute, think it will work?" He asked, humor dripping from his voice.
    "Possibly." You replied, he stopped and so did you.
    "I've been staked many times, what makes you think that one will work?" He asked, taking a step directly toward you this time.
   You lunged for the door and he was on you before you took your second step, spinning you to face him. Instinct took over and you thrusted the makeshift stake hard into his chest, going perfectly between the ribs as you were trained to do. James released you immediately and you rushed to the door, throwing it open.
   You sprinted into the night, your feet hitting the pavement of the drive way. Suddenly you were wretched back and lifted from your feet, pain raked its way through your neck. You cried out as his mouth held firm, an arm snaked around your shoulders, the other tight around your waist. You grasped ahold of his forearm, the smell of him wrapping around you again.
     You could feel him slide is teeth out from your neck and his tongue lap at the wound he had created. The pain fade quickly, as he hungrily kissed your neck, flicking his tongue across it. You dropped your head to the side, allowing him better access, protests firing in the back of your mind. You could feel your body heat up as his fangs pierced your skin again, sending a shockwave through you.
    This was wrong, this was so wrong. He finally fully removed his mouth from you, he let out a soft groan. You could feel him behind you, his length hardened against the small of your back. You closed your eyes, wanting to run and stay, an internal battle coursing through your head.
    "I need you here." He whispered in your ear, you were about to ask why when you heard someone come around the corner. Your eyes popping open, landing on yet another man with sandy blond hair, and he was shorter then both Steve and James. In his hand was a bow, the quiver strapped to his back, his leather vest showing off corded arms.
   "They're on the move sir." He spoke, his red eyes only focusing on James.
    "Finally." He chuckled slowly releasing you, as he stepped off to the side. "How many are ready and waiting?"
  "Nat and Steve are already in town along with Sam and Vis. I told Wanda to stay, she isn't ready, and Tony is MIA again." The man clipped out, you looked over to Bucky, an evil smirk coursed across his face. His lips red from the blood his had just taken.
   "Clint go down and tell them to hold off, I'm on my way." James stated taking your hand and leading you to the house.
    "Will do." The other man replied before sprinting off.
    "I need you to stay here with Wanda, okay? I'll be back shortly." James told you as he opened the door for you. You blinked hard a couple times, confused by how he was acting, his hands were gently on your arms and he leaned in and kissed your forehead softly. Acting like he wasn't forcing you to stay here, like you had chosen to be whatever it was he thought you were.
     Without another word he was gone, leaving you standing there in his button down shirt staring out into the open night. Confused and in complete turmoil, you shut the door softly. And turned to face back into the house, you were startled to find a woman with the auburn hair had been standing behind you. Her pale blue eyes looked you up and down.
   "You must be the one Natasha hates so much." She finally spoke, her words held a heavy accent. Unlike the other woman this one was dressed more modestly, she had on a deep crimson almost maroon dress, that just barely graced the floor. It was simple, the crushed velvet sleeves hung beautifully from her pale shoulders. "Y/n?"
     "Yes, and you must be Wanda." You replied, ignoring her comment.
    "I am." She nodded finally walking over to you, she clasped your hands. She gave you a warm and kind smile before leading you to the stairs. "Come, let's find you something to wear. I'm sure you'd rather have something other then Bucky's shirt."
    "Uh." You looked down, having forgotten that was all you wearing. You felt heat creep up your face as the two of you ascended to the next level. "That would be nice I guess."
    She took you to her room, it was small and had a single bed that was tucked neatly into the corner. Her vanity held an array of bottles, her room reminded you more and more of what a teenagers room should like, not what you had had. Your room growing up was nothing but gear and weapons, things you would need to be accustomed to using as you grew. You had been taken into a family of hunters, and so that's how your childhood been like.
    "Why do they leave you behind?" You asked as she pulled a couple of dresses out laying them on the edge of your bed.
    "I'm not ready for a hunt like the one they are going on. The group of men they are after, they killed a mother and her children as they slept." She replied, going back to the closet and rummaging more. "That raped her before they slit her throat and walked free on a technicality, so Fury contacted Bucky."
    "You mean Detective Fury? Of the police department?" You asked bewildered, looking up from the dresses.
   "Yes, he didn't want the men running free, not because someone didn't file the paperwork right. Bucky has been waiting for the group to show themselves after they went into hiding." She replied, pulling a beautiful royal blue silk dress out. As she held it up, you could tell it was the kind that was form fitting. "This will look perfect on you."
     She walked over and handed you the garment, pushing you toward the bathroom attached her room. You stepped in and she shut the door behind you with a giggle. The revelation in your head that James and his family.. pack.. were headed into to town to kill killers whirling around in your head. You thought about how he was just righting a wrong as you pulled his shirt from your body and slipped into the dress.
    You lifted your eyes to the mirror, the dress hugging you wonderfully, accenting your body. It draped from the shoulders, the sleeves falling gracefully down your arms. It tied in the front, giving it an old timely feel and it made you feel elegant. You noticed the twin dots on your neck, dried blood smudged around them and so you took a moment to wash the area clean before coming back out. Wanda sat on the edge of her bed, a grin on her face.
     "The people he kills, are they always bad people?" You asked as she stood coming to you and guiding you to the seat at her vanity.
    "Every single one." She replied as she lifted the brush.

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