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    "Okay, frost bite, want to run that by us again?" Tony asked, sitting in the common room with everyone else, except Natasha who had been banished to her room.
    "We are going to get y/n, back." James said through clenched teeth.
    "No, we understand that, but we just want to know why." Clint spoke up, leaning against the wall next a very large man, with long blonde hair.
    "I must agree with Barton, Master Barnes, she seemed grateful that Natasha had brought her to the road before Loki and I came up." Thor bellowed, stroking his chin. Long gone was his wolf form, and next to him stood his brother, who's black hair was slicked back.
    "I understand your hesitation, I do." James replied, sighing heavily.
    "Look, it isn't very often that Bucky asks us of something, not like this. He has done so much for all of us, why are you questioning him?" Steve asked, looking around the family.
    "Because, he has never asked us to walk into a building filled with hunters to bring back a woman who hates us, no offense, sir." Clint replied. "I mean, if he commands us, then yes I will go."
    "Bucky ain't commanding anybody, you know that of all people, he's asking us to help him. Whether or not we go with him, he's going." Sam stated, standing next to Steve.
    "All he wants his family at his back." Steve added.
    "I'm in." Wanda spoke up from the corner she was sitting in, she stood and walked over to the trio of men on the opposite side of the room. "I like y/n, she's a kind person."
   "If Wanda goes, then so do I." Vision spoke up and walked over as well.
    "Fine, can't let the youngest have more ball then me." Clint stayed throwing his arms up in air. "I don't have anything better going on anyway."
    "Brother?" Thor asked, slowly walking toward James and the other, Loki rolled his eyes and followed.
    "At least there will be fresh meat." Loki stayed as he did.
    Everyone turned to look at Tony, the man kicked himself off from the wall.
    "Can't let you guys have all the fun, plus someone has to make sure that you guys don't get killed anyway." He said, trying to act nonchalant about the whole thing.
   "Looks like we're breaking into Hydra." Steve smirked to James.
    "You know, I've always wanted to do this." James grinned, his teeth slowly descending from his mouth.
    "What do you mean genetics?" You asked, you felt your brows furrow as you stared at Rumlow.
    "All of the ancient are descendants of other pure vampires, reproduction between one and one that was made can't happen. Once a human is turned everything in one dies, hence the need to feed on living blood, vampires can't make their own." He told you, slowly walking around behind you, making the hairs on your neck stand on end. "Also, a pure can't mate with a normal human, carrying a child that is half living takes a toll on the host and ends up killing the mother, whether she is the one that is human or vampire."
   "And what does that have to do with genetics?" You asked, watching him out of the corner of your eyes as he came around the other side of you.
    "Only other pures can smell their lure, those made can't smell it on the ancients." He told you.
    "That's not true, I can smell James's lure." You admitted in your confusion. "And I'm not a vampire."
    "You are not but you are." He shrugged. You opened your mouth to question him further but he continued on. "There is a dormant strain of the disease, and in every way you are human. Except one, you have the ability to give life to the dead."
     You stepped back away from Rumlow, his words not sinking in. If you could smell James's lure, then no doubt you had one as well, and that meant, he knew what you were. It meant that was the reason he was keeping you hostage, Vision said that he had been made to make it James wasn't the only one like him wandering the earth.
    "Oh my god." You breathed, staggering back as the words and their implications slowly started to sink in.
    "It was very hard to follow the family lines for a while but we did manage to find you when you were toddler. You are our golden ticket, unfortunately your parents didn't want to give you up so, they had to die." He explained leaning against the desk, your eyes shot up to meet his. "We needed you, with you we can finally have control over the last remaining pure, the worlds perfect killing machine."
   "No, this isn't what I want." You spoke up finally find your voice.
    "Sweetheart, it's cute to think you have a choice. But I promise you once he finds out you're here, he will come, most likely with his pack." Rumlow told you as the door behind you scraped opened, sending you further on edge. "Then we can kill the pack and keep him at bay."
   "You're making a grave mistake, Rumlow, when Bucky and his family show there won't be anything you can do to stop them." You said as someone grasped ahold of you by the inside of your elbow. "And I hope to Hell I get see him kill you."
    Forcefully you were dragged out of the small office and down the way you had came through hall. You knew the place and he was headed to your old room, you tried to fight back, trying to twist your arm free but it was useless. He threw you in, your body bouncing on the cement floor when you lost your balance. He then slammed the door shut, the sound of hollow metal rung heavy through the air, followed by a distinct click. Slowly you pulled yourself to your feet, everything was as you left it.
     Now you knew why James had been keeping it a secret. The fact he knew what you were, he didn't want to let you go cause he wanted more like himself. You walked over and sat on the edge of your bed, emotions flooded you as you tried to wrap your brain around everything. He was using you, just like Rumlow and the rest of Hydra. A tear slowly made it way down your cheek.
James knelt on a hill a good distance from the hydra facility, he hadn't slept the entire day and dusk had finally fallen. He watched as people slowly trekked around the outside, large black rifles slung heavily over their backs. He growled to himself as he observed looking for the weak spot in their defenses while his family made their way there. Unlike them he could withstand daylight, but his family couldn't and it would take them all to you out.
He had ordered Natasha to stay behind, he didn't trust her and there would be a family meeting after everything was said and done with on what to do with her. James has followed your scent without looking for clues like the archer had.
    "Hey Buck." Steve's voice broke the silence surrounding the vampire, James slowly stood the wind catching his loose hair, glowing eyes still trained on the building down below.
   "Steve." He replied finally turning. His family stood ready, in their usual battle gear. Even Wanda herself had opted out of the dresses she typically wore and was wear pants and a long red coat. Tony stepped up, his eyes locking on the building ahead and whistled.
    "Lots of humans." He stated.
     "At least two dozen outside, probably three times as much inside and all heavily armed." Bucky told them slowly, his eyes on Tony. "Mind calling in the big guy?"
     "Oh, he's going to love this." Tony quipped back.

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