Chapter 3 - Reana-go-round

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The last time I was this stressed was when I was applying for a scholarship. But man this is harder than that.

This morning, Phil was beside my locker and invited me to sit beside him at lunch.

You wanna know what I said? I said, "Yeah. Sure. Why not? Awesome!"

Then he replied, "Great. I'll wait for you," then he winked.

Yeah, wink at your small, unproportioned head! If it weren't for Lindsey Hall's gossip, I wouldn't have done this!

What's the gossip, you say? Well, it started when Nicole and I were eight. We both hated Lindsey because she likes to steal my Malibu barbie's dresses and Nicole's barbie's shoes and lying about it all the time. So when they got into an argument in English class, Lindsey said, "At least I'm not as desperate as your friend Reana, chasing for Phil. I mean, why does she have to whore around for the whole world to see?"

Nicole said something smart about it that shut Lindsey up. But damn that bitch.

You know news spread like wildfire in highschool, right? Yes, it does. Now Phil talks to me more and more. I. DON'T. LIKE. IT.


"I heard Phil invited you to seat with him at lunch," Sara whispered as I sat on my chair. "How did you know? His voice wasn't that loud," I said. She rolled her eyes, "Duh." Then Camille and Nicole chipped in, "Really? Oh my god. That bitch is so dead," says Nicole.

"So what are you going to do?" Sara asked.
"I don't know. Sit with him? Eat? I can just stuff everything in my mouth at once so that I won't have to speak, you know."
"Oh my god, Reana. You are so hopeless," Sara rubbed her temples.
"What? This is not clearly an emergency."
"Yeah. But, you have to make Phil think that you actually want like him. Otherwise, your next plans will be a failure," Nicole said. Huh. I hate to admit it but she has a point.

But my problem is.

I don't know why Phil liked me. I don't even know if it's real or not. But still.

How do I talk to him? Flirt? If this is an emergency situation, I know I can pull a great act but this?


In the fucking cafeteria?!


I mean, I have no problem with that, being famous and all. But I really am a hopeless romantic. I suck at dating that's why I have no boyfriend since birth, until today.

I still keep in mind what Janet told me last week. Like hell I would fall in love to the likes of Phil. That unproportioned body is enough to make me gouge my eyes out.

But let me just apply the flirting techniques Sara taught me. That's if I can pull it off. Hopefully, I won't look stupid. Actually, thinking about it makes me look stupid in sooo many ways.

As we fell in line in the cafeteria, I already saw Phil moving his way towards me. Only, he's at the end of the line. But hey, it's not a problem for him because he just pushes everyone aside until he's beside me.

"Hey," he says. And I smiled, "Hey."

Oh my god.


"How are you?" Okay, what the fuck was that Reana. Phil frowned a little and replied, "Fine?" he chuckled, "you should try the pudding. I can get Mason's if you want."

Fuck fuck what should I reply.

While thinking of a decent answer, I noticed the cafeteria was silent except for the noise from the popular cliques. And that those in line were also waiting for my answer.

"Oh? Well, too bad I don't want Mason's. I want you," I replied teasingly. Well, I really don't mean anything I say to Phil anyway. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Meet me at 8 tonight and I'm all yours," then he winked.

I have to admit, I blushed a little. Girl, he's so close, I can smell his manly scent that triggers the inner hoe in me. So I took one more shot, before he could leave, I pressed my cheek on his and asked, "Pick me up?"

Slowly, and I'm sure my heart skipped a little, he smiled (he looked kind of handsome at that moment idk why skskskks) and replied, "You got it, Princess."

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