Chapter 1 - Big Fat Decision

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I'm seventeen and I know that I should be making wise decisions but this is by far the MOST STUPIDESTEST DECISION I'VE EVER MADE FOR MYSELF AND FOR THE SOCIETY. By society, I mean this school.

Let's flash back at what happened a few weeks ago.


It was a normal school day. I was with my three best friends, Sara, Camille, and Nicole. Actually it was just me, Camille and Nicole, I don't know where Sara is and we are in the cafeteria. Let me introduce us first. Sara is the uh most sexually active in the group, in simple terms she's the slutty one - haves sex with guys she finds hot. Camille is the trendy one, the cool one in my opinion - she can hack. Nicole is the most intelligent among us. Top student and she's beautiful in an exotic type of way - she is, I guess, the motherly figure in our group. And there's me. Brunette and beautiful on my own way, I think. There's nothing of much importance about me. Except that I am an only child and super rich. I basically live in a mansion. Kidding. It's just a big house. Our mansion is somewhere in a state where my parents don't want me to know. Anywho, the only thing that stands out in my personality is that I'm a selfless person.

I actually care about others more than myself. I don't know why. I guess I feel like I have greatly sinned when I see anyone suffer if I could do something.

Oh there she is, Sara. She's walking towards our table. Wait, no. She's running.

"Guess what? I have some news."

"Finally! So what's your reaction when the Cavs won against Miami Heat?" I asked. Not a big sports fan but THIS IS A BIG DEAL BECAUSE SARA DOESN'T WATCH THE TELEVISION. Except if it is America's Next Top Model or anything that captures her interest.

She rolled her eyes, "Not that news. Different news!"

"North Korea's nuclear bomb?"

"Gossip! okay?"

"Okay. Let's hear it."

She smiled widely. The kind of smile that the Cheshire cat has. "Guess who's head over heels for Reana."

Camille arched a brow, "Well that's a tough one. Everyone in the school likes her."

"Fine. It's Phil Forster!" She whispered loudly. Apparently, she can't hide her excitement. I can't hide mine too. I laughed.

I mean, it's a joke right? That big hot school bully Phil Forster? Likes me? Capital h - ilarious.

He's a soccer guy. Totally hot. But I don't like his face. I mean it's handsome. But it's just too small for his body? Or is it just the right size. I don't know, I really don't pay attention to him.

But when I saw Sara look at me like I've grown a second head, then it must be true.

Who am I kidding? Rumors coming from Sara are always true. I don't know where she gets it but damn her sources are reliable.

"Oh no. No no no no. No no. No no no no no no. You've got to be kidding me."

Camille and Nicole must be as shocked as I am because they froze in place.

While Sara's teasing me. "Reana's got a boyfriend. Reana and Phil sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g."

Until Nicole spoke, "Ew, Sara. What are you, five?"

And then Camille spoke.

"Wait. How did you know that Phil likes Reana?"

Sara replied, "Well, I went to the boys' locker room -"

"What are you doing in the boys' locker room?" Nicole asked.

"That's a different story. Anyway, you know that guy I made out with?"

"They are many, Sara. Be specific." Camille said.

"What's his name? Oh, Jensen. Ridiculously hot but talks a lot. I went to give his sweater back and then out of nowhere he talked about Phil! He was like 'hey, do you know that Phil has the hots for Reana?' And I was like 'Oh my god! Really?' And he was like 'Yeah, I saw her picture on his phone'. Right? Right? He likes you!"

I think I'm going to puke.

"Very nice imitation of Jensen's voice, Sara." Camille said with sarcasm.

We all laughed.

And then came the bell for another subject.

I can't stop thinking about it. I mean, me? Why the shit me? I mean..?

On my way to class, I saw Phil holding this poor guy by the collar. He's at it again. I feel sorry for that guy. He looked at me. Phil looked at me. Shit, run Reana run.

I didn't.

Instead, I said, "Hey."

And he smiled and said, "Hey." He seemed to be distracted by me so the poor guy wearing a green lantern sweatshirt he was physically bullying escaped.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I asked.

"Yeah. I was just.. Yeah. See you around." Then he left.

That poor green lantern dude. He ran like he was being chased by the devil.


I am too much of a selfless person. That I even

have to

flirt with Phil Forster.

Wait for it..

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