Chapter 5 - Where to?

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I have lost count of how many times I blinked. Or how he blinked.

The world seems to slow down (just a little). For a while we were just there, staring at each other. He's wearing a white button-down, a tan cardigan, and a simple jeans. He.. how do I put this, um, he looks good without trying. I like that. Even the earring on his left ear makes him look hot (which never occurred to me until now).


I didn't notice Reana when she walked down the stairs. But as she descended on the last steps, I seemed to forgot how to breathe.

She's gorgeous, so delicately beautiful that I cannot tear my eyes off her as she walked towards me. It might be something in the air, but it seems like she's glowing. I think I just saw an angel.

She's wearing a mint green camisole, which made her grey eyes light up, a pair of skinny jeans, and white strapped heels. I don't see her carrying a jacket though. It's already nighttime, and it's really cold outside.


Yeah, I'm wearing a camisole because Sara told me so. She said, "Trust me, guys are turned on when girls show a little bit of skin. And think about it, if he notices that you're cold, he could keep you warm in so many ways, sexual or not."

So I went with sweet and flirty (and conservative) haha. There is no way he's getting in my pants. Ever.

Well, let's see.

Phil offered me his hand, "Shall we, princess?"

I took his hand, barely controlling myself from falling flat on the floor because of his sexy voice. How dare he do this to me? :<

"Where's your mom, by the way?" He whispered to my ear. I am clearly aware of how close he is.

"She's uhh-" I turned to whisper to his ear. But I almost kissed him, his lips only millimeters away.

Someone coughed. "None of that in my house, kids." My mom was right behind us. How did she get here so fast?! Oh my god, THIS IS EMBARRASSING.

"Why don't you get going now, hm? Have some fun. You don't want to miss the movie." She smiled as she shooed us away. I looked at Phil, and his face is so red. I want to laugh but then he spoke up, "We'll get going then, Mrs. Stevens."

"You take care of her, alright?" She says as she closed the door behind us.

Well, this is awkward. I honestly don't know what to do from here. I am suddenly aware that I'm alone with Phil, and we're walking to his car , still holding hands by the way.

Then he opened the door for me. It's a red mustang, if you must know. Ah well, I've heard he made out with lots of women in this car.

Who would do such a thing, exchanging salivas with Phil? Ewewew.

"Where to?" I asked him as he fastened his seatbelt.
"Seatbelt," he said.
"What? Oh. Nah. I trust you," I shrugged. But he leaned in, and fastened my seatbelt. "You never know when you'll need it, Ree. It's better to take precautions." OH MY GOD HE SMELLS NICE.

I inhaled a lot of his scent that I answered with something like this "Uhmvfddscvyea". Which isn't even a word.

"So where to?" I quickly added to hide my embarrassment. Nice save, Reana.

"Hmmmm. I don't know. Where do you want?" He says as we started to drive slowly.

"What? You mean you don't have a specific place in mind? Did you even prepare for this date, Phil?" I rolled my eyes. He laughed and said, "That's kind of my point. We can just drive wherever we want, right?"

Huh. I've never seen this Phil before. I know the bully, but I'm not prepared to see this side of him.

"I do have a destination though. I haven't eaten yet. Have you?" He asks.

I watched him as he talked. I don't know, but the dim light softens his features. Suddenly he doesn't look like a bully anymore. He looks so handsome and innocent...

He chuckled, "You sure are taking your time."
He looks at me for a moment and says, "You've been staring at me for a long time, Reana. I doubt you even remembered the last word I said."
I tried hard to recall what he said. He said he's hungry, right? Yeah, I think he did. Because I immediately thought of food when he said it.
"I do, actually. 'You're hungry?'" I guessed.
He arched a brow, "You don't seem so sure."
"I am sure."
"No, you're not."
"I am."
"You're not."
"I am."
"Loser pays the food, then. Deal?"
I raised my hands in defeat, "Fine. Money I have. But where are we eating?"
"Hold your horses, princess. We're almost there."

Just as he said, we rounded in a corner (and let's hope I'm wrong with this one) and we parked at a classy French restaurant.

I must be dreaming, right? We're still in high school, and yet he's taking me here for our first date?

Phil Forster is a man of surprises.

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