Chapter I

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Jessica Drew, Former resident of Earth 1610, a world since erased. She now resides on Earth 616, placed into the universe..she has a home.

A home...

Jessica carried a box down the stairs of her apartment in Queens, She was wearing a pair of Black jean shorts and a grey tank top. Her hair was up with a bandanna. Sweat glistened in the light as it ran down her forehead to her cheek. She had moved all of her things into a moving truck she rented...She was getting a change of scenery. She had lived in Queens all her life, now she was making a move to Hell's Kitchen, She had gotten a she had always wanted..Aside from her hobby of fighting, Jessica was a skilled and beautiful dancer...when she danced it was almost as if the world stopped...and she spun..and all you could do was watch and be mesmerized. Having superhuman balance and flexibility, as well as coordination enhanced her natural talent. She was a Marvelous sight to see. She got a job at a dance theater located in Midtown Manhattan..Very renowned and famous for it's shows. It was called the "Anna Pavlova Theater". Named after a famous ballerina..Jessica was dancing one day, on her balcony..that's when the instructor saw her and recruited her to be the Prima Ballerina. Jessica knew this job would take up a lot of time but she had hung up her old torn spandex..She was currently taking a break from wearing that mask to start her own life. Jessica did have plans, get settled and then start working double time, protecting the people of Hell's kitchen and being a dancer. Jess carried the last bit of her things to the moving truck and loaded them in. She put the key in an envelope and sealed it, placing a note as well. She walked to her landlord's apartment room and slipped it in her mailbox. Jess had finalized all the paper work, she just needed to get her things. She sat in the truck and moved her hand to the radio, turning it on..."Confident" By Demi Lovato played and she drove away from her old life.

She pulled into her new neighborhood and noticed a law office on her drive, "Nelson and Murdock" She tilted her head and continued driving, when she arrived at the destination she unloaded her things and didn't bother changing clothes. She returned the truck and walked to Battling Jack's Gym, formerly known as Fogwell's Gym. She started a membership there and returned to her apartment, sprawling out on her mattress. All she had was her clothes, matress, some books, kitchen wear and a couch. The apartment was a luxury apartment, a work perk. It even had a balcony that was large enough for Jess to work out on in the morning. She needed furniture but she was happy she had a place like this. She undressed and tossed all her clothes she had just worked in into her hamper. She walked into her walk-in shower. The hot water ran down her skin and for the first time in a while she enjoyed a quiet shower. She wrapped a towel around her and walked into her bedroom, stubbing her toe on a briefcase.. "Damn it-!" She fell down and looked at it...She opened it and pulled out her Black suit with a Red Widow emblem on the chest. She put her fingers through the holes and sighed.

Jess was sitting on her counter in the kitchen, wearing a grey hoodie and a pair of black underwear. She took out her phone and called Janet van Dyne. "Hey Jan. Yeah-Yeah I'm okay I was just calling because I had a few...well too many tears in my suit and I might need a favor." She stood up and put one hand on her hip, holding her phone to her ear with the other. Jan was the one who made her suits. "Yeah..A new suit? Can you add a little more red...and is a new jacket possible? Really?" Jessica smiled. "Thanks, you're the best. One suggestion, bigger jacket pockets..." Jan wrote down the specifications and then gave Jess the okay "How soon can it be done?" Jessica widened her eyes and winced. "A month? You're where? Doing what?? With the Avengers?..No I told you, I don't want to be with the Avengers, that's your thing. Uh-huh...Anyway. Thanks Jan, See you in a month."

Jess hung up and grabbed a book, sitting in a chair on her balcony and reading...the city lights were so beautiful. She admired her new home and drank her hot tea. Her phone vibrated and she picked it up, having a conversation with Miles. She hung up and smiled...then went to bed soon after.

Sirens were in the background, birds chirped and the city sang it's song. Jess yawned and got ready for her day. She walked to the theater with her gym bag, it had her dance shoes, a change of clothes, water bottle, ect. She entered and met her instructor, the other dancers were very friendly to her, except Verna, she really hated Jessica. Verna was the dancer Jessica had replaced as the lead, and Jessica hated the name Verna due to fighting an inheritor named Verna once. Jess walked home from her first day at work, it was a pretty intense session in the studio.

She went straight to the boxing gym afterwards and got her work in right afterwards. On her way home she noticed a group of guys following a man who was much smaller and looked in distress. She followed and grabbed her hoodie out of her bag, pulling it over her head and putting on her mask. She wore a makeshift suit, a black hoodie, mask, yoga leggings, trainers and hand wraps. She followed and saw them pin the guy's face into the wall, reaching into his pockets and taking everything. She crawled on the walls above silently and perched. One yelled "Tombstone wan'ts his money! You pay us now or you can pick which finger we break, faggot." Jessica hated that word, no one should be treated wrong due to sexual preference, or identity. She believed everyone had a personal choice and that you shouldn't discriminate. They grabbed the guy's hand, he plead for mercy and they held his finger, about to snap it and break it and make him watch. Jess hung upside down and coughed. "Excuse me boys..It's rude to say that word. Apologize." She had a sweet tone, making fun of how pathetic they were. "Or you will all get a timeout.."

The men laughed and let go of the victim, pushing him into the garbage nearby. "Hey, you're pretty cute, what does that bod look like under the costume?" They laughed and one whipped out a knife. "Wow" Jess scoffed "Knives? How did you find out the one weakness I have...? I can't fight a dumb ass with a knife..." She landed on the ground and folded her arms. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is, you all drop your cash, hand it to this man, willingly, apologize and leave him alone, or I can beat you up senseless, whatever sense is left anyway, strip you to your unmentionables and leave you for the police, hanging by a billboard. Your move." She leaned on the wall and acted like she was checking out her nails..

They didn't choose the latter. The men attacked and the victim watched them get toyed with, beaten harshly, stripped, tied and webbed to a billboard. Jessica dusted her hands off and stood on the billboard. "You guys might get a little cold out here but, I'm sure someone will report scantily clad idiots hanging by spider webs from a billboard within-" She checked her watch "Six hours. The webs will break by then. Good luck!" She turned to leap but they cussed at her. One screamed for help and Jess shook her head. "You really think this changes anything? Tombstone is gonna find you. He's gonna make you pay for what you did! You can't fuck with tombstone.." "I think I just did..and if you see him when you get out of jail, let him know Midtown Manhattan is mine now." She jumped off the billboard and checked on the victim who turned out to be a photographer. She gave him his things and turned to leave."Wait.." He said as he held his hands in front of him... "Why did you do all this? Just who are you?"

Jessica blushed underneath her mask and nodded at him, she felt chills run through her body and she turned her back to him..

"Black Widow...."

She swung away on her webs. THWIP--

To be continued..

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