Chapter VIII

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Jess had lost the one who meant the most to her very recently, two weeks to be exact.

Yet something was different. she was so busy that she didn't take the proper time to mourn her loss, instead, she just began working overtime with her duties as a vigilante. She had shut down drug operations run by Tombstone, captured some of his men and turned them in. She wanted to grab the attention of Tombstone, but they had destroyed their real enemy. Bart. They thought they had won. But before Bart died he handed Jess a flash drive and told her to take it hope the night before his death. On it was everything she needed to bury Tombstone. His operations, pictures, evidence, his data. It was all on that drive. She wanted to stop him but first, she wanted to kill the Cyborg, Deathlock. The one responsible for her beloved's death and many deaths of police officers since that night. Tombstone was weeding out the good cops and putting the bad ones on the payroll. Hells Kitchen really was hell. But Jessica was not going to be defeated, she didn't know how to quit anymore._Tombstone, but they had destroyed their real enemy. Bart. They thought they had won. But before Bart died he handed Jess a flash drive and told her to take it hope the night before his death. On it was everything she needed to bury Tombstone. His operations, pictures, evidence, his data. It was all on that drive. She wanted to stop him but first, she wanted to kill the Cyborg, Deathlock. The one responsible for her beloved's death and many deaths of police officers since that night. Tombstone was weeding out the good cops and putting the bad ones on the payroll. Hells Kitchen really was hell. But Jessica was not going to be defeated, she didn't know how to quit anymore.*

Jessica walked to her closet and grabbed her backpack that had all her things in it, including her suit and she went into the night to continue her crusade. She swung and spun into the air with ease, shooting another web line out of her fingertips and gripping it as she navigated herself through the concrete jungle.

"Hammerhead, Deathlock, and Tombstone... I'm done letting them take from me. Tonight, Hammerhead pays for his crimes against this city, and for what he tried to do to me. I'm tired of being like Peter, playing the good doer and losing things, Not acting cause I might lose someone...but they took that away from me. I have nothing more to lose now...that's where they made their mistake."

She landed on the edge of a rooftop and perched over it, looking down at the citizens walking on the sidewalk through the night and keeping watch over Hells Kitchen as the guardian it needed. She made sure the city was quiet and then went to where she knew Hammerhead had done business frequently. It was a game of poker with some of the worst crime lords and criminals the city had to offer, Hammerhead was representing Tombstone since Tombstone AKA Thompson Lincoln couldn't be seen at such criminal events. To the world, he was a normal businessman. But Jess knew it was a front, she knew his true colors. Cards were on the table at this game as each player looked at one another, bodyguards had automatic weapons and kevlar vests, they were no shorter than 6'2 in some cases and were all built sturdy. The cartel, the triads, mobsters, they were all there that night. Jessica was about to ruin the game.

"Ey man, you think someone would be stupid enough to raid this joint?" A mobster asked his fellow guard who stood with him outside in the alley, they were both in front of the door that led to the game. "Nah, not even a john like Daredevil would raid this thing. We got too many weapons and it's not a good idea to fuck with the real leaders of Hells Kitchen, you'd have to be-" Jessica jumped from off of a rooftop and crashed down on the pavement, making a small crater in the ground, before they could fire any weapons she punched one of them so hard that he was knocked out on contact yet still hit the wall and before he fell she webbed him to it. The other froze and she broke his knee with a kick and then grabbed his head and slammed it into the metal garbage can beside them, leaving them both knocked out cold. "Would have to be what? Insane? Angry? Heartbroken?" She webbed the trashcan shut and left the two unconscious goons there to sleep and think about what they had done.

Then while the crime lords, snakes, and Devils played their card game, the lights turned out and the guards had their fingers ready on their triggers. It was quiet and no sudden movements were made, at least not by them. Jessica was another story...

She kicked through the door and it hit one of the guards and sent him to the ground as his weapon fired off rapidly. The other guards shot blinded, and she beat them one by one, dodging gunfire and snapping bones, the lights flickered and all they saw was a blur of red and white beating their asses to a pulp, webs everywhere, they were intangled and unable to move. Then the lights turned back on and no one was there....Hammerhead gulped and tried to break free but he couldn't move. "HEY WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?! YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE FUCKIN WITH?? YOU JUST DIED PAL!!" The lights went out and then returned and the Black Widow stood right in front of him.

"No, You're the one who doesn't know who you're fucking with."
She knew Hammerhead had adamantium plates in his skull, so she didn't resist beating his face to a bloody pulp with brass knuckles, a new temporary addition to her arsenal. She grabbed his tie and pulled it and choked him. "I should kill you right now, for what you tried to do to me" She punched him "The people you've killed." She punched again "The lives you've ruined and affected." WHACK "The crimes!" KA-THWACK!! "Everything!" KA-BLOW!!!

Hammerhead looked like he had a boxing match with Iron Fist. She tore him off the wall and ripped bricks off of it with him, slamming him on the ground like a bitch and breaking his hand by stomping on it since he reached for a gun on the floor. She picked up the gun and aimed it at his head.

"You won't. You're too soft..You're a little girl underneath that suit. You think you're hard?! You won't shoot me." She aimed at his thigh instead and fired the gun. "OWWW!!!! AHHH!! OHH!" Hammerhead groaned in pain and flopped like a fish "DAMN IT!! FUCK!!!"

She tossed the gun and then inserted her finger into the bullet wound and dug them deeply. "WHERE IS TOMBSTONE!!!"

Hammerhead screamed and refused to give his boss up. So Jessica grabbed the card table and threatened to slam it on him "You can't do this! Aren't you supposed to be the good guy right? You're no better than M-" She slammed the table on his back and it broke in half like it was an episode of WWE WrestleMania. "FUCK!!! AH AH!! OKAY OKAY WAIT!"

She grabbed the broken leg of the table and beat him with it till it snapped on his thick skull. "TELL ME NOW!! OR I'LL TAKE AN EYE FOR AN EYE, LITERALLY." Hammerhead wheezed in pain and coughed up blood, then nodded. "Okay okay...Tombstone is really good at hiding, even I don't know where he is right now.." She grabbed his hair and slammed his face down onto the ground and lifted him up "Try again bitch."

Hammerhead was a mess and things weren't going in his favor, He swallowed his pride and then just confessed to her, even if he didn't snitch, after this ass beating he'd have to leave NY since it was so embarrassing. "Okay okay!!" He groaned in agony. "I don't know where he is BUT I do know where he's going tonight, a club in Manhattan, There's an auction...But if you show up'll be arrested for sure..and ain't no cop on his payroll gonna hesitate to shoot ya. So You lose."

She got the info she needed. "Thank you for collaborating." Jessica gave him a degrading pat on the head, Hammerhead really needed to keep his mouth shut but he didn't..

"Next time I see ya, I'm gonna kill you and use your body for whatever I please...catch my drift? You think you won this little battle and now you're high and powerful? Nah whore, you just started a war. You don't wanna go to war with Lincolin..You ain't shit!" Jessica was tired of hearing the sleaze speak, so she webbed his mouth shut and grabbed the leg of the table. "I think after a couple years of therapy, rectal surgery, and plastic surgery, you should recover from this. But just know that if you step foot in my city, you even say its name, I'll be here and I'll do this again, but it might be a crowbar next time."

Hammerhead began to sweat and he couldn't yell, only muffled screaming was heard. Jessica grabbed his pants and yanked them down and then a loud GASH echoed the room as she shoved the leg of the table up his asshole. Hammerhead moaned and screamed in agonizing pain, wiggling around and then just passing out from the severity of the pain he was in. Jessica closed the bullet wound with webbing and then walked out of the room unphased, She wrote "You're Welcome, Oh and If you stand with these criminals, you're next." with webs, leaving the message for the NYPD to remind the corrupt cops the Widow was now on their streets.

She left the building trashed and the NYPD showed up minutes after and cops were already turning in their badges and admitting to being compromised while it was still not too late.

Then she raided the auction, she had uploaded all of Tombstones records, data, and dirt on the internet and exposed him, it went viral in minutes, reshared so many times it was impossible to find the original. The news was all over the story within an hour and Tombstone was still wearing a suit, drinking wine at the auction, He had no idea it was happening. Jessica had stricken back. Tombstone's bodyguard grabbed him and Tombstone angrily glared, looking like he wanted to crush his employee. But The man looked at his boss "BOSS! I'm sorry! But my cousin from Seatle just sent me this!" He showed him the article and the video exposing him that Bart had made, it had reached the united states. Making Tombstone now not only a wanted criminal but a federal one. Cybertek was now in the crosshairs of the government and it had all gone to SHIT.

Jessica then got on live television and held a mic, staring into the camera with her Mask's reflective lenses.

"Here's a message I wanted to send to Tombstone AKA Thompson Lincoln." She glared and held the mic tight as pictures were taken and the camera's flashed on her, she was life and on the jumbotron. "I'm the Black Widow of Hells Kitchen, and you're finished. I don't care about rules right now, But I'm not going to kill you. You're going to live out the rest of your life in federal prison. And I'm going to bring you in. You're a coward and a shit excuse of a human being. And I'm going to finish this. And I want to let all criminals of Hells Kitchen know that I'm out for their blood, the Widow is thirsty. And I won't stop until this city is cleaned up. So return to the hole you came from, and leave town, hide, but I will find every last one of you, even if it kills me. I'm coming for you. No cops, no Feds, I want YOU. You'd better not come out of whatever hole you're hiding in."

Jessica dropped the mic on the ground and swung away and the reporters and media went on a frenzy. People were calling Black Widow the angel of death, and criminals were turning themselves in left and right, anyone connected to Tombstone was buried. Except for some anonymous man named "Kingpin" who was doing business with him. Hells Kitchen saw a 54% drop in crime and the police force was being investigated by the feds.

Jessica then stood on a ledge and looked over at the red city, rain, and thunder behind her as she clenched her fist. The war had begun, and she had made her move. What would Tombstones response be?

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