Chapter VI

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Jess's Apartment..
Things were clean and tidy as usual, the kettle was whistling again and she was a tad occupied with other matters to get it. Redbone by Childish Gambino played in the background as she and Bart had put engineering a bug to the side, She straddled his lap and kissed him on the chin gently, work became a memory. But the Kettle whistled, and that meant that they had unfinished business.

Jess got up and gave Bart a gentle pinch on the arm before tending to the kettle and making both Bart and herself some tea while they worked. The engineer had made his own rendition of the Spider-Tracers, but they were called "Widow-Tracers", She helped him code them on the laptop as he finished up placing the hardware where it went. After flying it around the apartment and testing it, Bart added finishing cosmetic touches and the two were ready to do what they should have done all along, be transparent partners and work with one another to take down Cybertek.

Later on that very night..

"Jessica? are you there?" Bart wore a headset and sat with his laptop, the widow tracers were able to fly like mini-drones. Bart piloted it and flew around Jess who was standing on the rooftop in her suit. Bart got a close up on her bum and as soon as she realized what he was up to she put her hand in front of her backside with her middle finger extended.

"Can you focus?" She irritatingly requested and rolled her eyes under her lenses, a small giggle came shortly after "Idiot. Okay, where's this thing go?"

The drone flew around Jess like a bug, and landed on her wrist and used it's spider legs to wrap itself onto her and attach.

"Decent...Good Job Babe, if you were on the roof I would kiss you."

Bart blushed and laughed softly, rubbing his neck. "Jessica, no distractions! C'mon.."

She blew the camera a kiss and then shot a web line and yanked herself forwards, swinging and shooting webs to get around buildings, she landed on the window of a tall building and ran across it before doing a front handspring off of it and swinging off of a street sign into the air. While in mid-air she did a spider-like pose with her fingers extended, landing on a Cybertek trailer that was headed to the main facility where they could get the data they needed. Jess jumped off of the trailer when they got past the gate and then snuck her way inside, crawling through the ventilation system to stay hidden. She needed a keycard and a distraction in order to get inside the main office. She slipped behind a security guard who had fallen asleep on the job, while she was at it she grabbed his utility belt and took it with her to the women's restroom.

"Why does this guy have so many Pokemon cards?" Jess fumbled with his belongings and cringed a bit.

Bart chimed in using his radio. "Jess, he's gotta catch em all. That's why he has-" Jessica interrupted her nerdy boyfriend. "NO."
She found his ID and then dropped the belt in the toilet. The Widow Tracer scrambled the camera's and replaced their feed with a frozen feed so they couldn't be found in the surveillance later on. Jess snuck into the office and planted the drone on the bookshelf, then removed a USB drive she had on her and plugged it in as she extracted data from the office computer. Security walked the halls with flashlights and guns on their hips. One of them walked into the office and Jess was now gone, vanished. He looked around with his flashlight and saw nothing, little did he know, Jess was on the ceiling and hoping he didn't look up. She got lucky and the guard left. Jess hauled her ass out of that office and building and returned home to Bart's apartment this time. She plugged the USB into Bart's laptop and then a file loaded titled "Project Centipede". The file had several folders, videos and more. They loaded it up and watched as test subjects were being given a robot bug-like device and it attaching to the nape of their neck. The enhancement gave it's user superhuman reflexes, depth perception and other senses were also superhumanly heightened. Bart created this tech and had thought that it was lost when he was told to scrap it. Bart closed the laptop.

"That's why they killed my all makes sense now. They wanted Me, they wanted to kill me so they could steal my work, and they stole it anyway and killed my family.." Bart began to choke up and his eyes were red with tears. Jessica held his hand tightly

"We have what we need now." She stated, reminding Bart they were winning. Bart wiped his eyes, but Jessica helped him with her sleeve and then opened a File that read "DEATHLOCK"

A video loaded and it showed a wounded man being subjected to strange means of torture and experimentation as they attached robotic limbs to replace his lost ones. Legs, an arm, and an eye. The Man was more machine than human and they had wiped his memory so he could serve as a warrior slave. After programming him, the video showed him fight a group of ten men, he decimated them and then began tearing the lab apart. The next video showed them have the cyborg fight a hulk-buster unit they had stolen. It ripped it in half and blasted it, then began firing all its weapons around the lab. The last test was to see if he was resilient. They fired bullets at him with a chain gun you'd find on a helicopter or jet, and though some of its body was decimated, the skeleton remained and it was ADAMANTIUM. The Cyborg possesses superhuman speed, strength, reflexes, durability, stamina and other traits due to the augmentation that was bestowed upon it. Jess was about to throw up due to how gruesome the video was, and Bart had already left the room to go do so. Deathlock was shown testing his strength and they stood him on a large steel platform and had a piston above his head that was generating 150 tons of force, Deathlock not only held it, but he lifted it and broke the machine.

"Jessica.." Bart worryingly placed a hand on her shoulder.

She stood up and shook her head "Forget the city, if Deathlock is the first of many...We're gonna need the Avengers, or someone-" Bart cut her off "No."
"I did this Jessica, I created this tech.I made this monster. I have to be the one to stop him.."

Jessica widened her eyes. "Do you know what you sound like right now?!?! A LUNATIC. Bart, he's too strong!! We can't...I don't know if I can-"

Bart stood up with a serious tone on his face and glared at the laptop.
" I know how that tech works, we can use brains to beat brawn if you just believe in me. Please work with me.."

Jessica shook her head and rubbed her arm nervously. "I don't know Bart."

Bart looked at Jess and pulled her into his arms his arms around her waist. She closed her eyes and he kissed her forehead.
"This is my choice...My Responsibility. I can't let someone else handle it for me. I have to try."

Jessica could sympathize with him due to remembering the famous words of Ben Parker.
"Okay Bart...but I'm not going to have you near that thing. It's too powerful."

Bart nodded and then Jessica yanked him down to the couch and if you were outside, you'd see many apartment buildings with lights on, but theirs had dimmed and shut off since they were at it again.

Across the rooftops were the very thing they feared. The Cyborg Deathlock had been following them. Now he knew where Bart lived, he saw his apartment. And now he knew Spider-Woman was working with him. Tombstone radiod his soldier, Deathlock. "Deathlock you did well. Now return at once, we have plans to make...for that pest, that SPIDER-WOMAN"

Deathlock stood up and then jumped into the air at least 50 feet, landing on rooftops and leaping across them.

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