Chapter III

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Jess had taken the box of Barts things from his desk, and they sat in her office for a day, she would stare at them as she passed through, till she decided to take action. She examined his computer, looking at what he had so far on it, she found the footage from the fire and couldn't sit there anymore. She had to do something...But her phone began to ring.

Jessica walked over and picked up her phone when she answered it was a call from work, they wanted to see her IMMEDIATELY...

When she arrived she was told by the instructor to wait for her in her office.

When Jessica sat down in the office she felt like she was a kid in detention, yet she was a grown woman and was possibly about to lose her dream job...

"Look, I'm sorry Jessica but you're out of the show this month, you seem out of it and if You can't get yourself're out entirely. You miss practices, you have missed dress rehearsal and although you somehow manage to's not fair to other dancers who show up for all that and put in the time and work. So you're on leave.."

Jess felt her heart crack, she was always absent due to juggling her life as a crimefighter and all the other things that came with the responsibility.

Jessica walked out of that office holding her tears and then made her way to fogwells gym...after a rough night of training she hit the streets..

"AHHHH HELP!!!!!" A man screamed as he ran across a rooftop, he was tripped by webbing and fell off the ledge, Jess shot a web and caught him
"I hope you don't mind my company." She grabbed him and pulled him to the top of the rooftop, tossing him and then pinning him to the surface as she straddled him and punched him in the face

"I want the name of your supplier! I want information now!" Spider Woman gagged the drug dealer and then slapped him like a bitch, grabbing his collar.

She was relentless and the man began to sob in pain "Look, if I tell you, he'll kill me!"

She smirked underneath her mask. "And what do you think I'm gonna do to you? You have three seconds, bitch."

He laughed and coughed "You don't kill! And I'm no bitch, you're the bitch." He spit blood on her jacket

A couple seconds later and a few bitch slaps, he was screaming "I'm a bitch! I'm the BITCH!!"

She growled "TELL ME!"

He coughed again "Tombstone... He runs things here...He's in charge of the port, that's where they get the drugs..that's all I know! I've nevah seen the guy we just aren't allowed to say his name.."

She let him go. "Do you have any of it on you?" The man nodded and handed her a bag from his pocket "Yeah I think you need that more than I do.." He left a snarky remark before he felt the woman's foot bust him right in-between his nuts.

Jess walked away from him and took the synthetic heroin to her apartment to run some test, using her scientific aptitude and mediocre forensic skills she had picked up from working with SHIELD on her old earth.

Afer tracing the drug back to its distributor she slammed her fist on the desk, it was Cybertek...
"Tombstone...Cybertek, it's all connected somehow...but I need to find this tombstone guy..put an end to this before these drugs ruin the city..."

She sighed and stayed up late that night looking over Barts files on Cybertek, she found nothing to link to the drugs.. weird. The drugs were made at Cybertek due to one of the key ingredients being a Cybertek product.

"I can't tell Bart... He can't know my secret...It's too dangerous.."

The next day Bart walked in to her apartment, it was movie night and Jess had forgotten. She was out patrolling.

"Jess? I'ts me, Bart. I'm gonna start the popcorn!" He sounded so happy...but that was all ripped away when he saw her desk, the drugs, and his computer being used to investigate the people who were "too dangerous" for him. He felt betrayed she'd go behind his back like this and he left the popcorn, the movies, everything...and went back to the bar.

Jess was at Cybertek and she had followed some shifty looking truck drivers, they took the Cybertek trailer to the docs and Jess was watching from afar with binoculars. They were unloading the drugs..She snapped photos, and then she crawled to get a better view, but someone spotted her on the crane, and they open fired, she got away with a graze on her arm and returned to her apartment to treat her wound. She saw the popcorn and sighed, walking into the stairwell and going to Bart's apartment, she knocked on the door, and she heard nothing in response, but as she heard footsteps approach her, she looked and saw Bart, He was a mess, and about to break down. "I love you, Jess, why did you do this? Why are you doing drugs...Why did you take my things and lie to me?"

Jess began to tear up. "No, crying won't work on me. Tell me the truth or you can forget whatever it is we have between us.."

Jess looked down and said nothing.. "I can't tell you...but I'm protecting you, you understand?" She tried to defend herself but he just shook his head and slammed his door in her face...

Jess wiped her tears and walked to her room, tearing her jacket in shreds and falling to the floor in agony due to how everything was coming at her all at once.

Weeks went by and she began to regret it all, what happened between her and Bart.

She then found herself patrolling and in persuit of another Cybertek drop off, but this time she was confronted by the hand of Tombstone , known as HAMMERHEAD. He and Jess had a scuffle and it ended with her being beaten and left for dead in the water. Her head was not in the game at all.

Jess limped home and wrung out her makeshift homeade the blood off her busted lip and staring at herself in the mirror.

"This path I've chosen is a lonley one.. I knew that...But I thought maybe it didn't have to be. I was so wrong..I got my ass kicked...I lost Bart...I lost my Job, I'm losing everything..."

She called up Peter on the phone but when he picked up she didn't say a word and just hung up. Peter tried calling back but she hung up everytime, he left a text telling her "Hey, HMU if you need anything. Love you!"

She didn't want tp go to Peter this time. She had to do this alone.

That night she knocked on Bart's door and got no reply. Bart was sitting agaisn the door with his back to it, ignoring jess and looking at a picture of his family.

Jess was suprisingly let in... "Look Bart, I.."
He hugged her and she burried her head into his chest and held in her tears. As he gave her gentle pats on the back and rubs, she felt safe again. "I forgive you...whatever it is, I'm sure you have a reason. But I can't see you anymore....We're done."

Jessica nodded and left, wiping her eyes...

Meanwhile in the office of Tombstone himself, he was brought pictures and destroyed product, courtesy of Jess. He demanded one thing and one thing alone. "Spider-Woman needs to die. If she gets in our way, Fisk is not gonna be pleased. See her taken care of..."

"Tarantula, are you up for the task?"

A mercenary wearing a red suit with a blue spider on the chest walked forth.

He began to cackle and nodded his head "Sounds like fun."


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