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This room smelled like cologne. Once I was sure the blinding light was gone, I opened my eyes. This room was much different from the others. It was much more normal. It was small, with modern furnitures scattered around.
I looked up and saw a chandelier hanging on the ceiling.
My eyes darted towards the pictures hanging on the wall. I was about to take a better look, when suddenly, I heard a little cough. I quickly spun around as I stumbled backwards.
Two men were sitting on the couch, amused looks on their faces as they eyed my every movement.
"Well... look who we have here..." One of them says as he stood up and leaned against the wall.
"I was wondering when she'd be up" the other says as he, too, stands up.
"I'm Namjoon, and that's Jimin" the one leaning against the wall says.

I examined both boys. 

"S-so, where am I?" I stuttered as I looked over at Namjoon.
"Um... do you remember how you got here?" Namjoon says and my eyes widened. My lips parted as millions of questions began forming inside my head.
"What do you mean?!" Does he know something??
Namjoon sighed as he opened his mouth, but was interrupted by a loud ringing sound.
Jimin took a glance at his watch and elbowed Namjoon to get his attention.
Namjoon nodded as they began whispering to each other. I held my breath as I desperately tried to hear their conversation.
"We have to go" Namjoon says as he and Jimin walked towards the door that would lead to the white room.
"We'll see you again soon" Jimin said as he disappeared through the door with Namjoon.
Once again, I was left by myself. I had the urge to fall to the ground and scream my lungs out, but I couldn't. Everything was way too confusing. Why wouldn't anyone help? Who were these people? Where am I?
My eyes lit up immediately when I found a door across from me. I hesitantly walked towards the door and opened it. It wasn't much of a surprise anymore that it was a strange room. No... it wasn't a room. It was a garden!
Nothing in this place makes sense!
I closed my eyes as I desperately breathed in the fresh air. I spun around as my muscles began to relax. Oh, how I missed the outside world. How long have I been inside for?
I began to take long strides along the garden as my eyes happily landed on the beautiful flowers.
My movements came to a stop when I see a man sitting on the bench.
I gulped as I began walking towards him. He eyed me calmly. His expression like stone. Unlike the others I have met, he was much more mature and calm. His eyes showing boredom and judgment.
"Hi" I say.
"Hi" he replies.
He doesn't stare at me for long, his eyes roaming around the garden.
"Um... do you know where the exit is?" I ask.
He doesn't say anything, just simply sigh in annoyance.
"Hey, Yoongi! There you are!" I hear another voice.
I spun around and came face to face with another guy.
He gasps as he sees me.
"Oh. Um. Hey" he says awkwardly as he kicks his foot on the ground nervously.
"Jin, help me. She's so annoying" the one on the bench says as he stood up and walked over to the other one.
"Yoongi, don't be rude. We need to introduce ourselves. Hey, I'm Jin!" Jin says as he held out a hand for me. I hesitantly shook his hand as Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I'm Yoongi"
I nodded as I smiled nervously. 
"Can we get your name?" Jin asks as he laughs slightly.
"It's y/n" I say.
"A beautiful name" Jin says as he held out a flower to me.
 I could hear Yoongi scoff in the corner.
"You know y/n... you must be that girl everyone was talking about..." Jin says as shoves his hands into his pants pockets.
My head immediately perks up in interest.
"Really? Do you-" I was interrupted by Yoongi.
"Jin. It's time. We have to go now"
Jin whimpered and pouted. "Already?! Time sure does fly when you're having fun..." he laughs as he turned to me.
"Y/n... we'll see you again shortly. Till then, good luck"
"Goodbye...?" I muttered as Yoongi drags Jin away.

Once they were out of view, I sighed in relief and examined the flower in my hand. It seemed pretty harmless... I smiled slightly as I carefully placed it inside my pocket.
Looking ahead, I sprinted towards the wooden door located at the end of the garden.

Opening the door, I stumbled forwards and fell down.
"so  clumsy"
I looked up. A man was staring down at me.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Get up Mrs Clumsy!"
I frowned as I stood up. He laughed hysterically as if it's the funniest thing in the world.
"God. You're funny!" He said as he wiped away a single tear.
"excuse me?" I say. It seems like he's the most playful one yet, or perhaps just very immature...
"Sorry. I just got very bored waiting in here" he confesses and I looked at him questioningly.
"You were waiting for me?"
"Well duh. Why else would I be standing here doing nothing?" He laughs again.
"Oh. It's Hoseok by the way" he says as he bowed slightly.
"I'm y/n" I say with a little bow.
"Nice to meet you Mrs clumsy pants" he says, trying to stifle up with laughter, but failed miserably.
As he eyed me, my eyes began wandering around the room. It was a very small box room. The walls are painted rainbow and there were no furnitures anywhere. No wonder he was bored.
My eyes scanned the room further, until it landed on the door behind him. However, it was different from the other doors. This one had a lock.
Hoseok followed my gaze and laughed.
He reached into his pockets and took out a golden key. "Hmm... should I give it to you?" He says.
"It'd be nice if you did" I replied.
"I'm supposed to go with you" he says as he walked towards the door. He quickly undid the lock then looked over at me.
"Well, hurry up!" He yells playfully as he opened the door for me to go through.
"Thanks" I muttered.

As Hoseok and I entered the next room, we were greeted with 5 men sitting around the huge dining table.
As I looked closer, I realized these were the same guys from before.
"Finally! You guys took so long! I was about to die!" Jimin cried as he pouted towards Hoseok.
"Sorry, Mrs Clumsy pants here was taking up time" Hoseok replied as he used his hands to cover up his smirk. The others exchanged strange looks, but shrugged it off.
"Y/n, Hoseok, please sit down" Jin says as he pointed towards the two empty seats. Hoseok was quick to rush through and sit next to Yoongi, leaving me to sit between Hoseok and Namjoon.

"Maids!" Namjoon suddenly called out causing me to jump in my seat. Maids?! There are maids here?
Suddenly the door opened and 5 maids came in holding plates of food.
As they placed it down, my mouth immediately waters. When was the last time I ate? I haven't noticed how much I needed food until now.
Jimin eyed my reaction carefully as he exchanged quick words with V.
"Y/n, dig in. You must be hungry" V says as he and Jimin quietly laughed.
I don't waste a second to fill my plate to the brim. I smiled happily as I began shoving food in my mouth.
Everyone stared at me in shock for a moment before digging in themselves.
As I reached out to grab another chicken wing, I took a quick glance around the table. Hoseok was in deep conversation with Yoongi, Jimin and V seeming to have an argument with Jin and Namjoon quietly eating.
Just then, I noticed another chair in the middle of the table. I hesitantly tapped Namjoon on the shoulder to get his attention.
"Who's supposed to be sitting there?" I ask as I pointed to the empty chair.
"Oh. That's Jungkook. You'll meet him soon"
"Oh..." I guess there's another one.

Just then, the door opened and a man came in. His eyes were slightly closed, showing his exhaustion and he was wearing a suit.

I gulped as he took a seat in the middle and eyed me suspiciously. The air around him was much more intimidating than the others. He continued to stare daggers through my head as the whole room fell silent.
"Y/n, that's Jungkook and Jungkook, this is y/n" Namjoon suddenly breaks the awkward silence as he looked back and forth between the two of us.
"I'm aware" Jungkook replies as he finally took his eyes off me and leaned back against the chair.
"How was the meeting?" Jin asks as he pushed his now empty plate away.
"We have an important day tomorrow, go get some rest" Jungkook mutters as he and everyone else began to stand up.
He waited until everyone left before looking to me.

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