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Rain trickled down the huge windows with the constant sounds of drumming. I sighed, looking out at the dark, stormy weather. It was quiet today, nothing interesting seemed to be going on. It also happened to be my day off, which for once, was bad as I had nothing to do all day.
Jungkook still hasn't returned yet, much to my disappointment. Thanks to the weather, he might not even return home by this evening.
It was selfish of me to think this, but I truly hoped the princess of the Choi kingdom wasn't good enough for him.
As my mind began to drift off, the sound of the door shutting snapped me back to reality.
"Thanks for waiting" Namjoon mumbled, releasing a big yawn before sitting opposite me.
I really felt bad that he had to go through all this trouble for me. He already has a huge workload on his plate, but what other choices did I have if I wanted to return home?
"It was no big deal" I replied coolly.
"Anyways... about the different world thingy..." he began as I rested my cheeks on my palms.
"Though I'm not completely certain, I think I may have an idea of how you got here. I think you were brought here by a God" he says in a quiet whisper.
My eyes widened before I closed them and sighed.
"A-are you sure? What do you mean? How do you know that?" I question.
"Well... I've been doing a fairly big amount of researching. According to the book I found in the forbidden library located underneath the castle, it says that there is a God of The World Of Fantasy. It is said that he would summon someone worthy enough into this world. And that person may just happen to be you, y/n" he stated.
I gasped, "why me though?"
"Because, you must have bumped into him somewhere and done something for him to summon you here. But whatever you did, it must have been good because apparently, the God only chooses people of good heart" he announced.
"So... isn't there a way to get back?" I ask.
"I'm still figuring that out, but I'm pretty sure you would have to talk to the God himself" Namjoon says.
"Where is he?" I ask.
"Who knows, no one knows"
I scratched my neck nervously and my fingers accidentally brushed against the symbol on my neck that I've completely forgotten about due to the clothing I've been wearing.
"Oh and Namjoon?" I say.
"Do you perhaps know anything about this symbol?" I ask, giving him a clear view of the symbol.
His eyes widened before he stood up to examine it up closer.
"Y/n... why didn't you tell me anything about this?" He asks in amazement.
"Well... I kinda forgot?"

"That's a very very rare symbol. I haven't seen one nor has anyone in this kingdom for many centuries. It is said that that symbol is to bond two people together. The person carrying the symbol and the prince. It looks like these people are you and Jungkook..." Namjoon says, scratching his chin and closing his eyes in deep thought.
"No one really believes in that anymore though, especially not Jungkook" he added.
"He doesn't?" I ask.

"What does this mean? What happens if we don't want this to happen?"
"Well, I'm not quite sure. I guess the symbol would slowly start to fade away..."
"I-it will?!" I say in shock.
"Yes, but only if you and Jungkook truly do not like nor feel any attraction towards each other" he stated in a matter-of-fact tone.
We sat there for a few moments in silence before he broke it, "if that's all. I have to do some work. Take care y/n. I'll keep you updated if I find new information" he says with a big toothy grin.
I shot him back with a bigger grin before he waved me off.
"Thanks Namjoon, for everything!" I yelled behind my shoulder.

BTS Jungkook x reader -Fantasy KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now