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I couldn't help but take a long stroll around the kingdom in the middle of the night as I found myself unable to fall asleep with so many thoughts running through my mind.
Parts of me was hoping Jungkook would be home by now. Well... or at least hoping that he is safe.
But then what would I do when he returns?

I wanted nothing more than to scream my lungs out, but then the whole castle would wake, so I had to groan loudly instead.
Pasting around the room I'm currently in, my eyes landed on a huge picture hanging on the wall. I squinted my eyes as I sauntered over for a better look. It looked familiar...
Oh, that's right! It was the exact same picture I found in Fantasy Tricks before getting interrupted by Jimin and Namjoon.
My mouth fell open at the sight of the picture. It looked quite old and obviously was untouched for a very long time. However, as dusty as it was, it was still very beautiful and viewable. 
The picture was of a woman. A very, very beautiful woman. She looked very young and wealthy as well. 
Her eyes were exactly like Jungkook's and her face looked strangely a lot like his.
Who was she?
Why has no one spoken of her?
Was she his sister? Mother?
"She's gorgeous, isn't she?" A voice came behind me.
I shrieked as I spun around in full alert, only to be met with a laughing Jungkook.
"J-Jungkook! Y-you're back!" I screeched in surprise and relief.
He laughed again. "Shh. You'll wake the whole castle up"
I laughed at that. "Sorry"
His attention drifted from me to the picture.
"That's my mother" he says warmly, fondness in his eyes.
I couldn't help but smile. 

"I'm sure she was a great person" I continued to praise.
"She was. She was the best and kindest person I've met. She was perfect in my eyes. I truly miss her" he says quietly, voice full of sadness.
I've never seen him like this. He always held a strong and intimidating aura, so it was rare to see him weak like this.
I didn't want to be rude, but I couldn't help the curiosity.
"What happened to her?" I hesitantly asked.
"She... she was murdered one day when I was only 10. Ever since then, my uncle's been looking after me. It wasn't the same since. I've been treated harsher and my freedom was taken away. I spent every hour practising my duty of becoming king and fighting"
My heart broke apart to hear those words. Poor boy... I could only imagine how terrible it must have been for him. A kid shouldn't have to experience that.
"I'm sorry..." I mutter.
"No need. That was years ago"
And there it is again. Him trying to be strong and showing no weaknesses.
"Your father?" I hesitantly ask again.
"He died of a disease last month" Jungkook says, though his voice did not hold sadness nor emotions.
"A-are you ok?" I ask wearily.
"Never better. That man was terrible" Jungkook says through gritted teeth.
"Anyways, y/n, why are you here at this time?" He changes the topic.
"I couldn't sleep"

"What did you do while I was gone?" He asks.
"Well... just the usual" I say with a forced smile.
"How was your quest?" I muttered in a low tone.
"It was good" he replied quickly and I immediately regretted asking him.
"Taehyung told me... you're getting married" I whispered, looking away from his icy glare.
"He did, did he?" He sighs.

He must have seen the sadness and frown plastered across my face, because his face softened before he sat down and patted the spot next to him.
I hesitantly took a seat and looked away from him.

"Y/n... you know that we can't be tog-" I cut him off with a cough.
"How about that symbol on my neck?" I spat out in annoyance.
His eyes widened before he frowned.
"I don't know what you've been doing while I've been gone or how you found out about it, but that's complete bs. Don't believe everything you hear. In this world, you can't trust anyone"
"Says you" I retorted back.
"What does that mean?" He yelled back.
"You tell me not to trust anyone, yet, how about you? You're about to marry someone you probably don't even know"

And with that we said goodbye.

BTS Jungkook x reader -Fantasy KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now