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"WE'RE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!" I yelled out as I looked up at the sky. The sun was already setting.
"HOLD ON TIGHT!" Hoseok yelled back before whipping the horse harder.
I screeched as I almost fell down from the intense speed. I felt like vomiting. I was dizzy. How was Hoseok still ok?!
"THE CEREMONY JUST BEGAN!" He yelled out and pointed ahead.
I looked up to see the kingdom. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of ruining the wedding.
If this doesn't work out, I'll be taken to the dungeons for sure, or even executed.
"SHOOT!" Hoseok yelled out when the horse made an abrupt stop.
Surrounding us was a bunch of people in armour and weapons.
"We won't let you ruin this wedding" one of the men says.
"Who sent you?!" Hoseok yelled, reaching for his sword.
"The prince's uncle" the men says.
"Y/n, I'll take care of them. Just run" Hoseok whispered before striking the first man.
I screamed when blood splashed everywhere.
"Good luck. Be safe" I whispered to him before jumping off the horse and running as fast as I can towards the palace.
"Chase her!" I hear someone yell.
As the guy tried to get to me, Hoseok stabbed him from behind.
"Hurry y/n!" He yelled.

I kept falling, but I always managed to get up and continued to run with all my might.
I don't care that my clothes were wrecked. I don't care that blood was dripping down my forehead and covering my clothes. I don't care that I might die. I don't care that I could faint any moment now. I needed to stop that wedding.

(Jungkook's POV)
"Do you Seoyeon Choi, princess of the Choi kingdom take Jeon Jungkook as your beloved husband and rule with him till your last breath?"
"I do"
"Do you Jeon Jungkook, Prince of the Jeon Kingdom take Seoyeon Choi to be your beloved wife and rule with her till your last breath?"
Jungkook gulped. Thoughts of you ran through his head. But it was also you who left him.
"I d-"
He was interrupted by the door opening and a yell that sounded way too familiar.
"Y/n?!" He yelled, looking at you in shock and relief.

He couldn't believe it. He was shaking and his heartbeat has never felt so quick and painful before.
You came back.

(Your POV)
My breathing was so uneven and I was questioning how on earth I was still sane and alive.
"Jungkook!" I yelled, taking a few steps forwards but was stopped by a pair of arms.
"Let go of me!" I yelled weakly, struggling to get out of the person's gentle grip.
"Y/n. What are you doing here? I thought you left" the person whispered. It was Namjoon.
"HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT!?" Someone yelled and chattering broke free from everyone.
I assumed it was Jungkook's uncle.
But I wasn't afraid, not one bit.

"TAKE HER!" Jungkook's uncle ordered as many knights surrounded me.
Namjoon's grip on me tightened.
"NO! WAIT!" Jungkook yelled loudly, causing the room to gasp and fall silent.
Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jin stood up and walked over to my side, their hands holding onto their weapons.
"How dare she! Take her to the dungeons! We'll take care of her after the wedding!" Jungkook's uncle roared.
"No, uncle, stop!" Jungkook pleaded, slowly walking towards me.

At this point, everybody was standing up In case things got ugly. Hoseok has successfully returned and was standing by my side.
I had 6 guys I've grown so fond of by my side, willing to risk their lives for me against a whole army of knights.
Jungkook stood frozen to the spot.
"Look at this symbol, does it look familiar to you?" I continued to talk, pointing at the symbol on my neck.
Jungkook's uncle gritted his teeth to the point where I was sure it was about to break any second.
"None of it is true! She's lying! She wants to sabotage this kingdom! I bet she's working under someone" he yelled in pure hatred.
"The symbol is stronger than ever. This proves how much Jungkook and I love each other. You know it's not a lie" I say, wiping away the tears in my eyes.
"KILL HER AND THOSE 6 TRAITORS!" Jungkook's uncle yelled out as everything became a blur.
I screamed as I squeezed my eyes shut. All I could hear was the sound of swords and stabbing. It was like war. Blood was everywhere and I felt dizzy.
"Y/N!" I could hear Jungkook, and soon, somebody took hold of my wrist and pulled me away from the scene.
"You're safe. Don't worry" he whispered.

"Weapons down" he ordered, and everyone did just that.
"I love y/n. I love her with all my heart. I don't know how she did it, but she managed to capture my heart. I've never fallen for anyone this deep-"
Jungkook was cut off by his uncle.
"Let me finish uncle" Jungkook says in a warning tone.
"I don't want to marry anyone if it isn't her. She's the one I want to rule with. She's my princess. She brings me happiness and love. I don't care what happens, as long as y/n is by my side, nothing matters"
My heart skipped a beat at his words and I felt butterflies in my stomach. My eyes watered as his words filled me with warmness and love.
Jungkook laughed coldly.
"You were the one who killed my mother, weren't you?" He says.
Jungkook's uncle immediately went quiet and pale.
"I-No! OF COURSE NOT! You have no proof!"
"You never liked her. You never approved of her becoming queen. So you murdered her" Jungkook says, giving his uncle a look of disgust and hatred,
"Guards, take him away" he ordered.
Jungkook sighed tiredly at his uncle's words.
"You're wrong" He says to uncle before the guards took him away.
Once he was gone, Jungkook turned towards me and enveloped me into his strong and secure arms.
I melted in his arms immediately, crying onto his chest.
"Shh, it's ok princess. I'm here... I love you" He whispered into my ear.
"Enough love birds" Jimin says, causing Jungkook and I to look over at him in confusion.
"What now? Make a choice Jungkook" Jin says.
Jungkook smiled before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me on the lips passionately. The room applauded and cheers were heard.
"I want to marry y/n and spend the rest of my life with her" he says confidently.

"Goodbye!" We waved the Choi carriage off.
I sighed in relief as Jungkook hid his face in the crook of my neck.
"Thank you for coming back. I don't know what would've happened if you left" he mumbled.

"This calls for a celebration!" Hoseok yelled from behind us as everyone laughed and cheered.
"Let's go!" Jungkook says with a laugh before taking my hand and dragging me back inside.
I couldn't help but smile as I stared at him from behind.

BTS Jungkook x reader -Fantasy KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now