Showtime... (Part 2)

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"Patience is key."


Brooks's P. O. V

3... 2.... 1... GO!!!!!

We jumped off again and we had a different composition of weapons this time.


Brooks: "Custom" Splattershot Pro.

Glen: E-liter 4K. 

A-kun: Interesting...

Andrew: Sloshing Machine... (Still using it after all this time...)

Cross: Splattershot. (The 'original'?! Wow, so poor.)

And yep. We still didn't had Nikki. I'll just give her something later so she doesn't get "that" angry.

And by the way. The map was in the like.. The "Shifty Station". Like what? And those two idols said that they made it themselves. Okay, I'm facing great odds here. But whatever. I'll do my best anyway.

Fast-forward a little bit.

Brooks: *gets splatted* ...

Well. I knew I'm facing a good team. Let's take this seriously, Brooks.

Brooks: *respawns* *immediately runs off* ...

Well. I will get turf inked because it feels like my "doods" there left some un-inked. 

So if I can't win via kill-oriented style. I'll just ink turf. But my kit is begging to get some kills so after a little bit of "cleaning up" the un-inked turf I left my current duties and gone to find Andrew since he has a pretty good weapon for inking turf. 

But I can't seem to find him... I'll just do it on my own, I guess...

Brooks: *encounters an enemy* Oh, no! *throws a Seeker* *splats the enemy* 

Okay... I've been awfully quiet in the match. But this is a must-win because it will just keep our streaks of winning alive, but also shutting up this chump who thinks we're bad to even keep up... If he trash talks me, our whole crew is going to retaliate about it. We are in this together..

Cross's P. O. V

I've been still have the "hot hand" with the Sloshing Machine even with the long, long streak of wins. 

We took a break earlier to catch our breath but I expected that "Hot Hand" to go away. But no, if i can't get kills via the normal fire my rest of my kit will help me. The Autobomb and Stingray was so useful to grab kills medium or long-range.

Cross: *sees Brooks* Hey! *waves hand*

I saw Brooks running in the direction where I was running to as well. So it's a good time to join him.

Brooks's P. O. V

Oh? Cross? Alright then. He's been killing it with the Sloshing Machine so I think we are a pretty unstoppable force here in the middle. But I don't know if we can help inking the floor so... 

Nope, let's nevermind that and splat more guys since I have a "Below Average" splats right now.

Brooks: *looks at Cross* Oh, hey! Let's camp here!

Me And Myself. (Splatoon Story/Fanfic) (Human!OC!Agent 7) (EDITING/PROOFREADING)Where stories live. Discover now