Meeting them (3/3 decendents)

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So i just wanted to add everyone is 21-23 caUse WhY The HuCklEBerRy PiiE n0+T

You were just moving in with your friend (F/N)[Friend Name], you where forced to move out since you're 21...   You told a friend and they said,
"YOOOO...  You could live wit me!"
And you were like
"YOOOOOOOO!!!  Totally"
You smile at the memory of that small conversation as you go down the stairs to get the last, and very heavy, box. [F/n] said he/she/ they have a friend who has a really, REALLY strong friend and to wait for him to arrive.  Bbbuuuut you don't like to wait so ScReW It!  You manage to pick the box up but struggle to carry it towards then elevator when you see your friend with a rather STRONG looking troll wearing cracked sunglasses and a muscle top, you blush a tad bit towards the male.  As you greet them,
"H-hey (F/N)!!"
You curse yourself in your mind for stuttering as   (F/N) responds to you,
"Hi hi (Y/N)!!!  This is Equis, Equis this is (Y/N),"
You give the troll a small smile and hello and then he speaks,
"Hello low blood,"
You're slightly taken aback but brush it off, being able to tell he is of a higher status due to the blue tint in his grey skin.  How you know this??  (F/N) had explained it to you after talking with Their friend, Nepeta you think.  Anyways you say hello and ask him a question,
"May you please help me carry this box to me and (F/N)s apartment??  I'm much to weak to hold it any longer,"
You see the ghost of a smile form on his lips as he agrees, taking the box from you carefully.  When you all get to your apartment you thank Equis and you both chat for a bit and after when he's a bit down the hall you quickly speed walk to him and give him a piece of paper with your number and pesterchum. Before he can look at it you say your farewell and run into the apartment closing the door. Equis looks at the note to see what you put. The ghostly smile from earlier slips back onto his lips as he walks to his hive.


You walk around the carnival alone, and depressed.  (But not depressed as in like kill your self depressed, no the reader's not into self harm dude I swear here check  their arm!! -the readers arm is completely fine-) For your date has just stood you up, and it doesn't help you've had a crush on them (all we see is sky) for forever.  You continue walking to see your crush making out with some girl/boy/person.  Your heart breaks in two as you go to drown your sorrows in carnival food and drinks.  You get in line and later you get a kiwi strawberry faygo and mini doughnuts.  You sit on a bench and cry as you eat and drink.  You suddenly fell someone poke your shoulder, you quickly swallow the food in your mouth and take a swig if faygo before looking at the person to see a male troll in clown make-up.  Before you can say anything he speaks,
"HeY LiL MaMa, I SaW YoU CrYiNg ArE YoU MoThErF*CkiNg CoOl??"
You immediately note down the fact he sounds high, and that he just swore in a place that has many children.  You brush it aside, and for a reason you don't know, you tell him what happened,
"Aw I'm SoRrY To HeAr ThAt,  My NaMe'S GaMzEe MaKaRa,"
The troll gives you a smile and you smile back,
After you two chat for a bit you go on a few rides and by the time you have to leave you've forgotten all about your original plans.  You give the troll your pesterchum and wave farewell as you walk away.  As Gamzee waves back he puts the small piece of paper with your pesterchum in his pocket.


You are walking along the beach with your headphones in as you hum your favourite song occasionally mumbling the words to yourself.

As you walk you see a troll with a black and purple scarf sitting on a log near the water.  Looking as if he's contemplating life, holding his head to look towards the water.  You decide to stop for a bit and sit on the other side of the log, occasionally sneaking curious side glances to the troll next to you. You feel someone poke your shoulder, you look to the side and and take off your headphones to see the troll. You blush slightly seeing he looks like a freaking nerd with his glasses, hair and scarf. You get knocked out of your thoughts by his voice,
"Hello loww blood, my name is Eridan Ampora,"
You raise an eyebrow at the low blood part but brush it off,
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N) pleasure to make your acquaintance Eridan,"
You say politely as your blush fades away. You two end up talking for a bit before you get up to leave. Before you do Eridan gives you his pesterchum in a tsundere manner and continues to look at the ocean as you walk away.


You're in collage studying marine biology.  You've always loved the sea and all the creatures in it, even the ones in the deeper parts, like the angler fish.  Today your assignment is to go to Mexico. (hotel, and plane tickets paid by your university, you pay for meals and any damage done to room and such) You excitedly walk to the scuba diving place, and talk to the guy at the front desk after waiting in a line for 3 hours.
"Hello sir, my name is (y/n) (l/n)!  My university, (U/N) (university name) called a week ago,"
You say with a smile with a child like excitement in your eyes.  The man smiles,
"Ah yes miss (L/N), for safety reasons you'll be joining another student,"
You nod, he tells you where to go and you go to that place to see a very adorabubble female troll wearing fuchsia goggles on her head, you take note of her fins as you walk closer.
"Hello I'm (Y/N) I'm the other student that's joining you today!!"
The girl smiles brightly,
"P—Erf—Ect!!!!!  )-(—Er—e take t)-(—Es—E," (Sorry I'm probably doing her quirk wrong!!) You smile and wait for a few seconds and as she passes you the thing you need she says,
"O—H wait I s)-(ould t—Ell you my nam—E!!  My nam—E is Feferi!!"
You smile more as you reply,
"Nice to meet you Feferi, now I'll get ready!!!  I'll be quick,"
After you get ready you and Feferi go into the water for a few hours.  Whenever your taking notes above water you chat for a bit, and laughing at each others fish puns.  You both get along greatly and when time comes to leave you both give each other your pesterchums and wave goodbye as you go your separate ways.

A/N!!!  Okay so I have loootttssss of homework so chapters are probably delayed-

Eridan: you take ages to update anywways

Me: true but longer than usual Eridan

Eridan: wwhatever lowblood

Me: >:T -Eridan voice- wwhatever fishstick

Eridan: hey!!!

Me and Eridan: -GlaRe-

Sollux: stop it guyth

Eridan and me: -glareing at eachother still-

Sollux: -uses psiionics and we are in different rooms-

Eridan, from afar: ITS BEEN OVER 3 WEEKS!!!!!

me, from afar: HECK YOU ERIDAN!!!  Lolololololol

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