Meeting them Dancentors (1/2)

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Me: new chapter next month!!

Also me: -procrastination and writers block ensues-

Me now: well shit man-


You walked onto the karaoke bar, it's crowded with warm lights and decor that makes the place feel very homelike. You start to smile widely as you fight off your stage fright with mock confidence and bravery. You walk onto the stage grabs the mic, type in the number 4113 and music fills the room. The sound is full.

"Her knees, feet and elbow
Work their thing into a mamba"

The people in the bar look up towards you,

"The scene starts to crumble
To the sound of the drums"

You have their full attention,

"Oh boy, there ain't no need to buy that diamond ring"

You notice a female troll as you sing, she's swaying to the beat slightly.

"It ain't no big thing, just show her a little swing"

You don't know why you noticed her specifically, but you did.

"No care about the bling bling bro
There ain't nothing to do"

She had pure white eyes, black hair in a bun, and a smile that makes you smile.

"Oh man soon it's over and you'll
Sing the walking blues"

You're fear melts away, as your cheeks flush slightly.

"So boy, there ain't no need to buy that diamond ring"

You take notice to the crowd, dancing happily to the electro-swing like song.

"It ain't no big thing, just show her a little swing
When you're up
When you're down
And there ain't no love around
There's a place
For you my friend
There's a way
For you my friend
Just show her some swing
It ain't no big thing, just show her a little swing"

You finish the song, people applaude you. You take your bow and walk to the bar. The girl from earlier sitting next to you,

"Hello, I liked your performance!"

You blush, "Th-Thank you, Miss.."

"Just call me Damara," she sends you a cheeky wink.

You avert your eyes and fidget, a heavy scarlet, almost wine colour, on your cheeks.

Damara looks at the bartender, "two pineapple upside down shots please," the person behind the counter nods and starts making the shots.

( A/N: a pineapple upside down shot is a shot made with Pineapple juice, Stolichannya, Peach Schnapps, 1 splash Maraschino Cherry Juice, And Jim Beam. It has a sweet taste to it. Bartenders tend to suggest it to female costumers that have no clue what to get


You smile at the choice of drink, you've always preferred sweet things. The shots arrive and you both drink them. While Damara chugs it in one go, you decide to savour the drink with a small sip before chugging it in two.

You both chat, drank and laugh. With Damara saying some things that left you a scarlet red. You look at the time, and bud a farewell to Damara. You call an Uber, you arrived to the
bar the same way, you didn't really feel like dying because of your stupid choice to drink and drive. You get home, pay the Uber, and collapse on your bed, falling asleep the second your head hit your soft(or firm) pillow.

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