w e a r e n o t t h e s a m e

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I'm tired of this.
Being the smart one.
The nerd.
The geek.
The know it all.
The pretty one.
The oldest, a perfect person. Because nobody's perfect, yet in the world we live in, perfection is a standard, the standard, not a goal.

The nice girl. The girl who gets run over by a hundred people every day. The girl who, despite having so many injuries, gives the parts of her heart that aren't already broken to people who don't deserve it.

It's over.
I'm done.

Totally and completely finished with other people's BS that they think they can pile up on me just because they have the power to.
They don't. No one has any certain amount of power over me. I am me. I am my own person.

I have power too.

If you cant handle that, then I don't know what to tell you.
Try? Try to understand that I can be on the same level as you?


I refuse to do that to you.
Make you see the world from my point of view. I can't do that to anyone else.
Not again.
All it does it mess things up even more than they need to be.

It's called trying to get pity from other people, and I'm tired of that too. You don't need to see the world through my eyes, with my specific vision-peripheral and straightfoward-to know what I mean when I say, "No more."
No more.
No more running me over with your newly painted gold car, because I have a gut feeling that that shiny Mercedes Benz is really just a rusty old pickup truck with piles upon piles of mess on the inside.
Your mess.
Your problems.
Your power.

I've been told before that there is power in one's weaknesses.

I'm not going to try and speak on your behalf and tell others why you are the way you are. I'm not going to do that because everyone is different. Everyone's vision, hearing, and perception is different. We're not the same. And we never will be.

real life rants from another teenagerWhere stories live. Discover now