Sleeping beauty :14

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Ethan's POV

She walks past me. I turn around and watch as she runs away. I fall to the ground and try to hold back tears. I lost that battle I sit in the pit until Erin finds me.

"Stay away from me!" I say as she approaches me she puts her hands up "You hurt her! You did this to us!" She shakes her head "No Ethan you did! I just posted a video of your girlfriend spilling orange juice on me." I gasp "That's all this is! You're just jealous of us! You know if you wanted to date me so bad why introduce me to her in the first place. You did this to your self. Now she's somewhere probably balling her eyes out. What kind of a friend are you to leave her when you see a hot guy. Just stay away from us."

I push past her and walk to Tora's house. It took about an hour but I didn't care I quickly texted Grayson so he knew where I was. Then I knock on her door. No answer so I show myself in.

I look in her living room then her room and finally the kitchen. There she was laying all the floor bottles all around her. I rush up to her and start to shake her she doesn't stir. I quickly pull out my phone and call 9-1-1.

"911 what's your emergency."

"Please hurry my girlfriend is passed out in her kitchen"

"Sir where are you?"

"I'm in the house next to the gas station on South."

"An ambulance is on its way now can you see why she passed out?"

"She was drinking there are bottles all around her."

"Okay sir please stay calm can you tell me more about her?"

"Yeah her name is Tora Sanders she's sixteen she's in the eleventh grade um oh she's an alcoholic."

"Has she ever gotten help?"

"No. How much longer till they get here? I'm not sure if she's breath. Don't let her die!"

"Sir please stay calm they're on their way."

"I can hear them."

"Okay, sir follow their instructions."

The phone goes silent and I wait. I open the door for them and show them where she is. "Please let her be okay!" They put her into the back of their van and take off. I wasn't quite sure what they were saying cause they just used weird codes. I also couldn't tell if she was alive or not but god did I hope she was.  


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