Crashing down :20

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Ethan's POV

The doctor sighs "We don't know that for sure." I walk into her room she was half awake. "Tora I'm sorry I shouldn't have let you drink so much I don't know why I even thought-" she waves her hand "Ethan I know this is going to be rough but you have Grayson. Forget about me." the tears pour down my face "I love you." I say grabbing her hands. "I love you too." She says putting her other hand on top of mine.

The machines in her room start beeping and screaming. A few nurses rush into the room and push me out of the way. Her head leans up to get a better look at me. The machines scream even more as she reaches out her arms to hold me. Then it flat lines.

I couldn't feel any more. My arms and legs stopped working. I couldn't do this without her. "Noooooooo" I yell at no one, in particular, the nurses take me out of the room as they cover her up with a blanket. I watch as they wheel her out of the room.

I check the time. It was seven in the morning which meant Gray would still be asleep. I call him anyways.

what up E?-Gray

I need you-Ethan

What's wrong?- Gray

Just come!- Ethan

Where are you?- Gray

The hospital Gray!- Ethan


I needed my brother. He was the only person alive who could comfort me right now. Grayson rushes over to me as soon as he got there. When he sees my state he rushes over to me. Grayson pulls me into a hug and doesn't say anything. Gray understood that I didn't want to talk just yet.

Grayson finally pulls away once I finished crying. He didn't need to say anything cause he knew I would tell him. "She drank too much Gray. She's gone." The tears come back once I've finished. It still didn't feel real that she was gone. Grayson rubs my back to calm me down. "My ride left so I guess we should go." I nod my head

Grayson walks me to my car. He walks me to the passenger side knowing I couldn't drive right now. I couldn't do anything now.  


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