Prom :18

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I look myself over once more to make sure everything looked okay. Once I was satisfied I walk down the staircase where my parents and Ethan waited for me. My mother was recording me as I walk down the stairs into Ethan's arms.

He takes my hand and twirls me around. "Wow" was all he said I giggle "Not to bad your self," I say looking him over. My man looks hella fine in a suit and tie. My mother takes about one million photos before letting us go.

Ethan walks me to his car then we drive to the school. Ethan opens my door for me then takes my hand as we enter the school. The hallways were covered with decorations and when we entered the gym people were everywhere. Somehow Grayson and Brad had beaten us there they rush over to us once they see us.

We talk for a while until a slow song comes on. Ethan leads me onto the dance floor I lean into his chest with my arms around his neck while his arms wrap around my waist. We sway to the rhythm the song was almost over when out of nowhere Ethan leans down to my ear and whispers "I love you" I hold back tears as I long up at him and smile "I love you too" I whisper back.

There was a tap on Ethan's shoulder and he turns to see Erin. "Can I cut in?" She asks Ethan shakes his head then turns back to me. I smile at him. Another tap on Ethan's shoulder when he turns around this time it's Grayson. "May I be ever so blessed to have this dance with you?" He mocks Ethan laughs and turns back to me.

Grayson huffs and slow dances with Brad like a two-year-old. The DJ turns off the music and the principal takes the mic. "Well hello, everyone so glad to see all your smiling faces." No one says anything "Now the night is almost over we need to announce the prom king and queen." Three teachers walk onto stage two with the crowns and the last one with the names of the winners.

The principal takes the names and reads them over. "You're prom king is Ethan Dolan!" Everyone cheers as Ethan walk onto the stage. The principal goes back to the mic "And you're prom queen is Erin Norman." Everyone boos as she walks onto the stage. The teachers put the crowns on the winners. One last teacher runs onto stage and whispers in the principal's ear.

"We have a mistake the real prom queen is Tora Sanders!" The crowd cheers as I walk on stage. I take the crown from Erin and place it on my head. Ethan takes my hand then we bow. The crowd still hadn't stop cheering but they start cheering louder when Erin stomped off stage. Ethan turns to me and gets down on one knee. My eyes start to water as he pulls out a ring from his pocket. The principal gives Ethan the mic.

"Tora we've been together for over a year now. I can't think of a better way to walk into college than to have you at my side and as my bride." The cheering starts up again as I nod my head. "Yes, Ethan of course!" He puts the ring on my finger and gets up. We kiss as the music starts up again.

This night was truly magically I wish I could have been that happy forever.

This night was truly magically I wish I could have been that happy forever

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