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jasmines pov

ive lived in england for pretty much all my life but we literally moved to florida like two days ago. and today was my first day of my new school. i was so so so nervous, as i guess anyone would be in my position, but i kept trying to think positively and be hopeful about possibly making a few friends ? it cant be that difficult, right ?

okay okay okay, im not going to try and get my hopes up yet again. we all know that i'm literally the most awkward person on earth. and im not just saying that to sound "relatable" or whatnot, i actually have the awkwardness equivalent to a horse. are horses even awkward, i dont know. anyway, im just hoping my first day of american school doesnt start with yet another anxiety attack. sigh.

* at school *

"have an great day sweetie ! love you" said my mom.
"thanks, mom" i said, getting out my moms car, about to walk into school.

i dont know why, but i suddenly got a feel of excitement at the sight of an american school. i get that its sort of normal for american people, but to me seeing an american school was amazing. ive seen them on lots of tv shows about high school kids and ive always wanted to be like them. but here i am, acting like a conplete nerd just obsessing over a school in a different country.

i walked down the path, where loads of groups of high school kids were chatting and laughing, and some of them were giving me weird looks and saying things like, "who is that?", and, "is she new?", which, i suppose, was kind of expected of them. it kind of made me feel uneasy, but i just shrugged it off and carried on walking. but as i was walking, i caught sight of the most beautiful boy to ever exist. he had such cute messy black hair, dimples, a jawline practically like a knife, gorgeous bright blue eyes and he had the most adorable smile ever. he was standing in a circle amongst his friends and he was just laughing. my heart skipped a beat. i just forgot about everything else that was going on and y entire focus was on him. he was so godlike. but i think his friend told him i was staring at him so he glanced over, and i immediately put my head down and carried on walking. well that went well. talk about first impressions.

the principal greeted me and showed me to my "homeroom", which is apparently a place where you go to get registered before you go to your classes. i went inside there and sat down at a desk. i tried to do some breathing exercises to try to manage my anxiety levels when i realised that cute boy walk in the room with some of his friends who i recognised from outside the school. my stomach began doing somersaults and i tried not to look at the boy too much. i tried breathing some more. but all i could think of was the boy. why does this person who has no idea who i am have to be so attractive ?

"alright kids, sit down and be quiet," said the teacher, walking into the room, "so today, as you may or may not know, we have a new student joining us today. could you please stand up, jasmine."

she gave me a smile but i still felt anxious. i stood up really awkwardly, probably looking like a complete weirdo. i tried to give a little smile but it probably looked really ugly. i could see the boy looking at me from the corner of my eye, but i didnt look at him directly. i sat back down in my seat and already i was regretting so much. i got my schedule and locker and stuff and then went to first period.

a/n: lmao ok i know this was really bad its like my first actual fanfic that im actually determined to continue, but i hope yall liked it 🤠

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