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"hey, you're the new girl, right ?"

i turned around and there was a beautiful girl who was in my homeroom with brown hair and freckles and hooped earrings, who had just tapped me on the back. she was smiling at me, so i thought i'd talk to her.

"yeah, im new."

"oh okay well my name is reagan and i love making new friends so i just wanted to say if you ever want someone to sit by or hang out with, cause i know how hard it is to be the new kid and try and make friends, you are very welcome to join me and my friends."

"oh thank you, that's very sweet of you. my name is jasmine btw."

"no problem but can i just say OH MY GOD YOUR ACCENT, IM IN LOVE WTF are you british ?"

"yeah ive lived in england for the whole of my life but we literally moved here like 2 days ago"

"thats so cool. hey, what class do you have now ?"


"oh my god same ! with ms davies ?"

"yeah !"

"ayeeee well at least we have a class together. come, ill show you the way. wanna walk and talk ?"

"sure," i said smiling.

reagan and i began to walk to math while talking about stuff. it was so nice to talk to her because i feel like it was more calm and i just like didnt have to think too hard about what i wanted to say. i was so relieved at the thought of possibly making some new friends, but lets just hope they ain't fake like pretty much most of my other past friendships.

reagan was so interesting, she had amazing fashion sense and sorta the same music taste as me, and a super nice personality. i could imagine this new friendship getting really strong as we progress.

*in math*

we were meant to be doing a worksheet on algebra but instead me and reagan were just chatting and giggling at the back of the classroom.

"honestly, math is so boring."

"hahaha, yeah, i know right."

"yeah, hey what do you have 2nd period ?"


"aww we aint together. man that sucks. but at least we have math together at least. hey, wheres your schedule ? lets compare classes."

i handed reagan my schedule and we figured out which classes we have together, which we soon realised was math, english, biology, history, pe and obviously homeroom, which i was happy about because that means i will get to spend lots of time with potentially my new friend.

"i know this is super random," reagan said, "but you seem like such a nice person. like you're a bit shy at times but thats totally fine, because you honestly have one of the most amazing personalities of anyone i've ever met. and i stan you for that."

"wow," i said, lowkey surprised, "that really means a lot to me. like honestly you are so amazing too. wow omg im so happy right now."

"dont thank me jas, thank yourself. i admire people like you."

i know ive only just met this amazing person but can i just say i adore this person so much. like my shy little self hardly said anything to her but she still thinks im like a really nice person for some reason. i cant't believe i'd actually ever meet someone who thinks of me less of an antisocial, awkward horse, and more of a genuinely nice person, which is who i always try to be.

i was honestly so excited for lunch to spend more time with reagan and reagans friends, who hopefully are just as nice as her.

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