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* at lunch *

i dont know why but for some reason it just hit me that i was actually so honoured that reagan was being so nice to me. like on my first day. i didnt even expect anyone to do that. wow, reagan must be super popular if shes that kind to people.

today on the lunch menu was macaroni and cheese so i got mine and started to look for reagan. she was smiling and waving at me from a table which she was sitting at with her friends, so i went over and sat down with them.

"hey jasmine ! we saved you a seat. guys, this is jasmine, shes new here and shes in my homeroom and in a lot of our classes too." reagan said.

"hi jasmine !" said a chorus of voices.

"this is april, thats hailee and thats andrea," she said while pointing at her friends who were sitting next to them.

"hi guys," i said, kind of awkwardly while half smiling.

reagan, april, hailee, andrea and i were eating our mac n cheese and we just kind of chatted casually. even though i hate talking in big groups i didnt feel anxious being around them. for a change, i felt more able to communicate with them because they seemed like really nice people.

i was just looking around the cafeteria when i caught sight of that cute boy from homeroom. my heart fluttered at the sight of his pure, angelic smile as he went to sit with his friends.

"you okay, jasmine?" asked april.

"yeah, um, of course. hey, you know that boy over there with the yellow sweater, do you guys know him ?" i said.

"who, you mean julian ?" said reagan.

"i dont know him that well but hes kinda cute i guess," said hailee.

"yeah, hes in a few of my classes but we've never really spoken before," said april.

"hahahahah, can't relate because he's actually my brother," said andrea.

"wait, really ?" said me, reagan, april and hailee.

"yeah, you guys didnt know that ?" andrea said giggling, "don't yall see the resemblance ? julian and jovani are my younger brothers. i cant believe yall didnt know that wtf."

"who's jovani ?" i asked.

"julian's twin brother. i think they're like dj's or something." said reagan.

julian has a twin ? oh my god. double cuteness.

"wow, that's so cool." i said.

"why did you ask jasmine ?" said hailee.

"do you like him or something ?" said april, teasingly.

we all giggled and then i said, "i saw him while walking into school and in homeroom and i thought he was pretty cute."

"AAAWWWW," everyone said while making love hearts with their hands.

"i cant believe its your first day and you already have a crush," said reagan.

"i'll hook him up with you one day," said andrea.

we all laughed again but i still couldnt believe how nice these new friends of mine were. i mean, if i ever get close with julian during my time at this school, im hoping my new friends will be able to support me through everything. if they are so genuine, they really sure do mean a lot to me.

me and my new friends had all finished eating so we got up and went to chuck our rubbish away, but stupid me forgot to tie my shoelaces, causing me to fall and push over someone. i was going to apologise only when i noticed it was...

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