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... julian. yes, that's right. the one and only julian.

i stupidly pushed him over, causing him to spill mac n cheese all down his shirt. i fell down on the floor, faced flat on the ground, so i tried to awkwardly get up, and now what i see is this adorable julian guy, and everyone in the cafeteria, staring at me as if i was an alien.

before i could speak a word of apology, julian comes out with, "you f*cking nerd, what the f*ck was that for ?"

i was in shock and embarrassment but i tried to say, "um... i.. im, sorry ...", but julians friends, the entire cafeteria and even julian himself were laughing at me. i felt so ashamed. i just wanted to cover my face with my hood and the ground to swallow me up. why do i always have to mess everything up ?

all i wanted was to make good impressions and make friends and meet new people, but ive just ruined my reputation for everyone. especially for julian, seeing as i desperately wanted to make a good impression of myself in front of him especially. im now gonna be the laughing stock of the school. everyone's probably gonna laugh and talk about me in the hallway. i felt so awkward standing there that i literally put up my hood and ran out of the cafeteria and outside, tears streaming like oceans down my face.

i sat down on a bench with my head in my hands. my heart was pounding so much i could feel it in my stomach and my head. tears flew down my face and onto my jeans. i literally just wanted to be invisible so no one would notice me and there was absolutely no way i could mess anything up.

i heard some footsteps coming over to my way so i reluctantly looked up. it was my friends. i started to feel a small bit of relief.

"babe, you okay ?" asked april.

"well, not really," i said, sniffling.

reagan and andrea both put their arms around me and gently massaged my back.

"who knew that cute guy would be such an idiot ?" said hailee.

"yeah, i know. i honestly thought he would be nice..." said reagan.

"i've practically known him all his life and he is a bitch most of the time. i should've really warned you before hand." said andrea.

"it's okay. at least i know not to like, trust him or anything. i guess im used to being treated like shit." i said.

"aww babe dont feel like that. you have us forever and always." said reagan.

"yeah, and if anyone messes with you again they'll have to go through us. and trust me, nobody wants to do that." said april.

i smiled with relief that i had people around me that i trust.

"i love you guys with all my heart. just remember that always." i said.

"aww we love you more !" they said giggling, so i giggled with them.

"shall we go and get you some tissues to wipe your face with ? stay here, we'll be right back," said reagan.

"oh, okay..." i said, watching my friends leave me to go to the bathroom.

i sat there awkwardly, because i was worried that people would see me sitting alone and judge. that's when i saw someone else walk over to me...

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